Auditorium of Pain

18 1 8

Lulu jumps over the seats and lands on the stage in a ninja pose. She rushes to Casey's side. (By the way, Xavier is standing on his seat cackling).
Lulu: Casey!
Casey: Hff- Hff-
Lulu: Casey, just breathe you can get through this.
Casey: I can't- How do- breathe?
Lulu: Shut up you're scaring me! I forbid you to die do you understand???
Casey: H-Hey... Where is- Julian?
Lulu: Are you going insane? Casey, Julian's dead!
Casey: I get to- see him?
Lulu: Please no... Don't leave me...
Casey: Don't worry little sis- You'll join us- This whole thing is a death trap-
Sharon arrives with a stretcher and ushers Lulu away. She lifts Casey onto it. He yelps with pain. Lulu tries to follow him out of the room but suddenly Kana is there.
Kana: What are you doing, meifwa?
Lulu: Sh- Shut up! I need to go with him!
Kana shoves her to the ground.
Kana: Derreck! Take this one to the white room.
Derreck: Yessir.
He grabs Lulu's arm and drags her away.

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