More People

39 2 9

01/06- slight warning I wrote a character weirdly

(everything is dead silent. No one is moving, let alone talking. Julian is glaring across the room at Dante, who is returning the action. The doors open, and a strange woman enters. She talks in a way that makes her seem bored.)

???: Hi I'm Sharon, I have to talk to you because Kana is busy...

Salina: Wheres Lulu?

Casey: Is she okay?

Maia: Whats Kana doing to her?

Sharon: HUSH. We have two new people. Come on in...

(the rooms lapses back into silence. A boy, who looks battle-worn, walks in. Julian takes a step forward, hate brewing in his eyes. Casey steps back, visibly filled with fear. the new boy looks surprised)

???: 17? you're alive?

Julian: Yeah, no thanks to you.

Sharon: Everyone, this is Xavier.  he's part Velociraptor.

(a girl tiptoes in, looking down. Long pink hair covers one eye.)

Sharon: And this is Selene. She's a vampire witch.

Selene: hi... 

(Selene looks up and notices Julian. She stares at him for a long time, and he seems slightly weirded out.)

Julian: Uh... Selene?

Selene: (as though shaken out of trance) Huh?

Julian: you were looking at me weird.

Selene: Oh... (does it again)

Maia: (laughs)

Salina: Young love.

Dante: Why do you like him? He's a jerk.

Casey: (punches Dante in the face)

Sharon: WG60J8! Stop that! (she grabs his arm and shoves him to the floor.) All of you, behave! and no more fighting! (she leaves the room.)

(Dante glares at Casey, who glares back. Julian glares at Xavier, who just smirks. Selene stares admiringly at Julian. Maia and Salina exchange looks, feeling awkward.)

Salina: I wish Lulu was here. This is the perfect time for a childish little joke.

Drama! The relationships are coming together. Tell me who your character(s) like! Enjoy! -Naomi

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