New Girl

45 2 22

(Everyone is standing in a straight line in front of Kana.)

Kana: Okay so sadly we haven't been able to kill- I mean upgrade some of you, so you have to stay together alive- I mean on the same level. but here we have a new member. SHARON! Open the doors.

(The doors open, leaving Sharon there. She has bags under her eyes and looks like she has been crying. Another girl is standing there, head down, blueish pink hair covering one eye, hands clutched in front of her. Kana grabs the girl and brings her forward.)


(The girl flinches)

???: I'm Emma...

Xavier: What species?

Emma: H-half fox...

Xavier: How did you get that way?

Emma: Uh, um...

Julian: Hey, dork, it's obviously none of your business.

Dante: How old?

Emma:... Twelve...

Dante: HA! Another baby!

Salina: Why are you wearing a crown?

Emma: I-I'm a p-princess...

(Lulu shoves everyone out of the way)

Lulu: Shoo! Scuttle! Scurry! Go away! No more questions! (once everyone is gone, she looks up at Emma) Hi, I'm Lulu I'm one year older than you but still shorter which sucks by the way I talk a lot-

Emma: Stop! You need to breathe sometimes you know.

(the two giggle. Selene is standing in the doorway, arms crossed, glaring at Emma, who is whispering in Lulu's ear.)

That's all! Please Lulu, actually read&comment! -Naomi.

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