Test 2

39 1 4

01/06/22- CW/TW: Brief needles, weird spider, almost getting hit by a train, abandonment, kidnapping and death, and uh.. Thinking you caused the death of all your family and friends?

(Kana walks the six into another white room. He pulls an antiseptic wipe out of a box and wipes each one's neck. Then he inserts a needle, and they all enter another test.)

(They are all in white sterile rooms. They can not hear or see each other.)

(Julians POV)

Julian: What the hell... (A scuttling noise is heard from nearby. A portion of the wall opens and standing there is a huge spider.)

Spider: Hawwo Juleen!

Julian: (visibly freaking out) It's Julian...

Spider: Mahahahaha!!! (the spider creeps closer)

(Julian curls up in a ball. then he hears Casey's voice in his head.)

Casey: (in Julian's mind) Julian, you need to face your fears. You need to stand up to it.

Julian: No! I can't!

Casey: You have to!

Julian: You know that I can't!

Casey: You have no choice...

(The voice fades and Julian is left alone. The spider is creeping closer and closer. Julian stands up and faces the monstrous creature.)

Julian: Hey, dung face!

Spider: waaaaa?

Julian: (takes a deep breath) You don't scare me! (His fingers sprout sharp claws which he rakes across its face. Screaming, the monster dissipates, and Julian passes out.)

(Caseys POV)

(Casey is standing on some train tracks. He hears a faint whistle in the distance and sees headlights racing towards him.)

Casey: A train...

(He desperately tries to get off the tracks, but the platforms are too high. The train comes faster and faster, and Casey is stuck. But he's not one to just give in and die.)

Casey: STOP!

(Putting one hand in his pocket, he finds what he needs. A torch. Casey flashes the torch at the train, using morse code to spell one message over and over.)

Casey: (using morse code) STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP.

(The train screeches to a stop and disappears. Casey passes out.)

(Lulus POV)

(Lulu was sitting in a cardboard box with other meifwas. She was smaller than usual, as though she was much younger. A human came and picked up a black meifwa. Another picked up a brown one. All the other meifwas were selected. But Lulu was left alone.)

Lulu: Hewwo?

(All the humans turned to her. But they all reacted like she was disgusting, they jerked back and hurried off.)

Lulu: (tears drip down her face) P- Please adopt me! (she looks into the future, and realises something) Oh! This isn't real! It's my worst fear! well... well... (she stands up in the box) I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!!!!

(the humans and the box disappear. Two werewolves walk up to Lulu.)

Lulu: Mama! Papa! (the werewolves fade away, and Lulu passes out.

(Meghan's POV)

(Meghan is tied to a wall. The room is pitch black, but she can hear breathing nearby. A voice laughs)

Meghan: Hello?

(A gag is tied around Meghan's mouth. A sharp blade strikes her skin. Warm stickiness slides down her arm into her hand. Blades repeat the action, over and over. Meghan tries to move. She passes out.)

(Salina's POV)

(There is nothing around her. Immediately she realises what is going on. She raises her arms and feathery white wings sprout from her shoulders. Her powers are back. She flies into the air, but when she's a deadly distance from the ground, feathers begin to fall. Her wings are eaten away with excruciating pain.)

Salina: OW!!!

(She sees a nearby building, but its too high. She recognises that the only way to survive this phobia is to get there. Giving one last flap of her rapidly diminishing wings, the air supports her to the roof before gravity takes over and she slams onto the hard cement. Salina passes out.)

(Maia's POV)

(she's standing in a dark forest. Around her are bodies. The bodies of her friends and family. And there are also the bodies of everyone in the project. Maia crouches on the ground, clutching her head.)

Maia: It's not real It's not real it's not real it's not real it's not real it's not real!

(One of the bodies groans. It's a small one. Lulu.)

Lulu: Maia... you could have saved us...

Maia: (a tear slips, unnoticed, down her face.) They're not real!

Julian: (whispering) you didn't even try to help...

(all the bodies begin whispering things like that. Maia curls up in a ball.)

Salina: Maia! Maia, it's not real! You need to stand up to it!

Maia: (looks up, and whispers) Salina?

(but Salina's body is back to being dead.)

Maia: (taking deep breaths) okay... okay. (she stands up, faces the sky, and screams.) THIS ISN'T REAL!!!

(The bodies vanish and Maia passes out.)

(Kana's POV)

(All of the members of the project are lying on the ground, facing their worst fears. One by one, the fears stop, and everyone but Meghan wakes up. Kana has succeeded. One of the Project members is dead.)

Hey guys! I know that one might be a bit cringy, but I did what I could with the resources I had. Hope you enjoyed, and tell me if you can come with a better worst fear for your character. -Naomi.

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