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Casey's POV:
(Julian is fighting something only he can see. He slams his own hand over his mouth. Shortly after, he crumples to the ground.)
Casey: JULIAN!!!
Lulu: JULIAN!!!
(All the project members gasp, scream, or shout his name. Sharon runs back on stage and drags him away. Kana turns.)
Kana: One by one, this will happen to all of you. Now go back to your quarters.
(When they get back, they notice a new room off to the side)
Lulu: What's that?
Maia: No idea... I'll go check it out.
(Once she's inside, she screams)
Casey: Maia?
(The others all walk in. On a white bed lies Julian. His face is pale and the left side of his head is covered in blood so they can't see the wound.)
Selene: Oh... my... gosh!
(Salina glances at Casey. Seeing his expression, she ushers everyone out. Once they're gone, Casey collapses next to Julian.)
Casey: Julian, what did they do to you? I knew bad things would happen here, but why you? Why not Dante or Xavier? Please wake up...
(Julian remains cold, still and silent.)

That was a really hard chapter for me to write... Don't judge me, but I think I've come to love your characters. I feel their pain... -Naomi.

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