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I, Kymberly Stackhouse, have lived in Bon Temps my entire life, and have worked at Merlotte's for about three of those. Sam Merlotte is one of my closest friends, third only to Tara Thornton and Lafayette Reynolds, who are second to Alexandra Steele and Dylan Kingston. Cutting to the chase... I can read minds. Among a few other things I keep even deeper under wraps, things only Jason, my grandmother, Alex, and Dylan know. Those things consist of healing (which came in handy with having a quarterback brother), complete restoration, energy blasts, and my personal favorite, telekinesis.

Currently, I'm running about 10 minutes late for work and speeding slightly. Dean, the Merlotte parking lot stray, is sticking his head out of the window.

"Ah shit..."

Of course Sam is outside...

I pull in next to his truck, hoping to catch him in a good mood. Sam keeps a pretty large stick up his ass, it's really just a roll of the dice of which one of him you'll get each day.

I get out, "Come on, Dean."

Sam puts a crate of limes back into his trunk. "'Evenin' Kym. And dog?"

"Good afternoon, Sam! And yeah, I take him with me some nights... you know how living alone can be. If I didn't think someone would lose their mind if he didn't come home, I'd probably keep him."

"Hell Kym, you never told me you don't feel safe."

"Oh, it's not often, but when I do it seems like he's always there, like he can sense it. I hope you don't mind, I know you feed him and stuff."

"If it makes you feel better, of course I don't mind. And you know you can call me anytime, for any reason."

"I do, thanks Sam."

He gave me a kind smile and I went to clock in,

As it got further into the night, I found myself standing at the bar, Sam caught my ear with 'Hey Tara' so I turned my attention to him.

"Yeah, she's right here."

I took the phone, "I'm so sorry, Sam. She knows not to call me at work."

"Kym, it's okay. You don't abuse a privilege like Arlene does."

"Hey. I heard that." Arlene zoomed past us with a tray of food.

"Well, I wish you would hear that." he walked away from me,

"Please Sam, I have kids."

I rolled my eyes and brought the phone to my ear, "This had better be an emergency."

"I just quit my job."


"I can't work for assholes."

"Well, I'm glad you can afford to be so picky, Miss Say-Hello-To-The-Rest-Of-Us."

"Oh, shut up. Sam is not an asshole and he's totally in love with you."

"Tara, he is my boss. Besides, he totally is not."

"Jesus. Look, you need to lighten up."

"Ter, I really gotta go."

"I'm comin' over. I need a margarita. A big one."


I handed the phone back to Sam, Dawn slid up next to me,

"Mack and Denise Rattray are just about to sit down in your section."

I spun around, the two most disgusting people I've met in my entire life had just walked in. I turned back around before they saw me looking, they were like wild animals, as long as you didn't make eye contact you would be fine.

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