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I was working my way through, yet another, understaffed night when a group of vampires sped into Merlotte's. Everyone froze, all eyes on them. 

One of the men, who looked like he came straight out of an 80s porno, ordered Sam to retrieve three True-Bloods. 

S: "Y'all need to go somewhere else. It's a family place. Locals only."

V: "Well, we just closed on a place up the road, so that makes us official citizens of Renard Parish. We're the new locals."

S: "My place, my rules."

V: "Discrimination against vampires is punishable by law in the great State of Louisiana. Personally, I don't give a fuck, but I am thirsty."

Sam stepped to him, "You are not welcome here."

The woman in the group laughed, "That shit only works in a private home."

The vamp who was previously speaking turned, he gasped when he saw me, "Now, I'm sure a fine young lady like yourself wouldn't mind serving me?" 

I debated what to say, angering a vampire wasn't exactly on my bucket list, "His bar, his rules." 

"Maybe I'll just serve myself." he smirked before presenting his fangs and going for my neck.

Panicking, I screamed the first thing that came to mind, "I am Bill Compton's!" 

He hesitated, bringing his head back to look at me, "So you are the girl Bill won't shut up about." 

"I am." 

"Well, he's not here, is he? And while Bill is gone, Malcolm will always play." he released his fangs and went back in for my neck, I sent him stumbling backwards with a punch.

"I, for one, would love to see you try." 

He smirked, "I'm gonna drain you so slowly, you're gonna beg me to kill you."

I was preparing to showcase my powers to all of Merlotte's when I heard Terry scream "Jihad this, motherfucker!" while running at one of the vamps.

There was a collective gasp when she picked him up and threw him across the bar.

Sam snatched a pool stick and snapped it in half over his knee,

Malcolm pointed to him, "You are a dead man."

Sam pointed the make-shift stake at him, "Maybe. But I'm gonna take one of y'all with me." he started at them.


The other vampire, who hadn't said anything the entire time, intercepted Sam's attack and pinned him over the bar. 

V: "I'm gonna reach down your throat and yank you inside out by your dick."

I couldn't listen to Sam's pained groans anymore so I used my telekinesis to pick up both sides of the pool stick, holding one at Malcolm's chest and the other at the back of his attacker. 

"I suggest you back the fuck up. Now." I pushed the stick just deep enough to draw blood. 

Bill sped into the room, "Stop this! Now!"

The vampire threw up his hands in surrender, in turn, I dropped both sticks. I put my arm around Sam, making sure he was okay.

B: "Are you alright, Kymberly?"


Bill stepped to Malcolm, "You're here for me, not them."

M: "Well, we had to get your attention, and I do believe it worked."

B: "What do you want?" 

M: "You never call me back. Now, if I remembered what feelings were, mine might be hurt."

The female vamp now stepped forward, caressing Bill's cheek, "Join our nest, Bill. Forget these blood sacks."

The bald one spoke, "Yeah. Mainsreamin's for pussies."

She wrapped her arms around Bill, "Let's party like we used to, huh? We used to have so much fun."

He hadn't taken his eyes off of me the entire time, I could tell what he was about to say and I wanted to beg him not to. I almost had to remind myself that I shouldn't care what he does, much less try to stop him. 

Still, when he said "Alright." I had to stop myself from protesting.

B: "Let's go."

They left, the other three laughing at their victory. 

It was only a second before the customers began to speak up, 

C1: "It ain't right them comin' in here like that." 

C2: "Ain't right them things even exist."

I was worried that a very small part of me was beginning to agree with them... 

I tried to make myself busy with work, I was standing at the bar when I overheard a table of men talking; 

M1: "I know where that house they bought is at. About four miles away. Right at the edge of town. It'd be easy to sneak up on 'em."

I brought their pitcher of beer, "If your think you can sneak up on a vampire, you're as dumb as you look."

M2: "Fuckin' a vampire don't make you no expert."

"The fuck did you just say to me?" I was shocked. I get why they would think that, Bill and I hang out more than the average person hangs out with a vampire but still. We weren't and they had no place to assume that we were.

M1: "Yeah, you're contaminated from normal people, freak." 

"First of all, I have never and I will never sleep with a vampire. And second, my sex life is absolutely none of your concern, you inbred hicks." I stormed off to the bar where Sam was pouring drinks. "I am all of five seconds away from taking one of these pitchers and smashing it over their heads." 

S: "Just breath chere. It'll all blow over." 

"We gotta do something. I mean, they're getting pretty riled up. They're talkin' about going after the vampires."

S: "Why do you care, it's not our problem." 

A: "I hope they kill 'em all." 

"Seriously guys? Look, the other three, I have no issue with seeing a stake being sent through them. But I owe Bill my grandmother's life."

S: "You don't owe him anything. 'Sides, he went with 'em." 

"To get them away from here. I mean, you can't seriously believe that- you know what, nevermind. I'll handle this myself." 

Sam called out after me but I just ignored him. This would blow over like every minor scrape that came up whenever Bill was involved. 

I walked to the back to think clear of judging eyes. I knew it was a possibility they would kill me if I went to their nest, besides, I only wanted to warn Bill so calling was my best option. 

Straight to voicemail three times, finally I decided to leave a message and hope he'd get it in time. 

"Bill, this is the third time I've called. Some guys here are planning on going after those vampires, you gotta get out of there. Call me back as soon as you get this."


I was counting down the seconds until I got off so I could go to Bill's. Luckily, it didn't seem like anything was going to come from the wanna-be mob but I still wanted to ease my worries.

At his place, I looked where he usually goes to ground. Not finding him there, I waited on the couch hoping that he'd come running in just before dawn. 

Of course he didn't. 

I was left to wonder if he was really just like every other vampire. I mean, was I foolish to believe that he could care about someone in the way that I can? Was he just a wolf in sheep's clothing?

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