8 0 0

Bill was over, we were watching TV and talking. Tara had moved into Gran's and I had set up every security system possible, I finally felt comfortable enough to start staying at my own place again, just not alone. We were mostly ignoring the movie and talking because we hadn't seen each other for a few days, 

B: "So, you and Sam?" 

"There isn't really a 'me and Sam',"

B: "But you went on a date, did it not go well?" 

"That date was interrupted by Andy Bellefluer calling me to tell me my grandmother had almost been killed." 

B: "Of course, I just didn't know if you two had maybe gone on another one or something." 

"Neither of us have brought it up... that and I haven't seen much of him the last few days. So, I don't know." 

B: "Well-" my phone began to ring and he looked disappointed, like he forgot there was more than just us in the world.

"I'm sure it's just Gr- oh, it's Sam?"

"Of course it is." he scooted from me and deeper into the couch, I gave him a look. I'm full aware of why Sam dislikes Bill but the vice versa just doesn't make sense to me but at the same time I'm worried the 'vice versa' is me so it's easier to play dumb. 


S: "Hey, look I know it's your night off and I'm so sorry but-"

"Just give me a minute, I've got to get ready."

S: "Thank you so muc- hey if you've got something going on you really don't have to-"

"I was just hanging out with Bill, but I'll be there soon."

S: "I owe you one."

"You owe me like twenty at this point."

I hung up and put on my shoes.

"Sorry, but duty calls."

B: "I understand. Hopefully we can do this again sometime soon."

"I'll let you know next time I'm off. I just don't know when that'll be on account of Dawn ya know... it's hard to find a replacement right now."

B: "I could give you a ride, my car is much faster."

"I'll be fine, but thank you."

I hurried to get ready and get out of the house, Merlotte's was probably swamped or else Sam wouldn't call me. On the bright side, swamped equals more tips. Bill was still down stairs when I finished getting ready, 

"Oh did you forget something?" 

B: "Only to do something." 


He put his hand on my cheek and brought his lips to mine, again, and again. I pulled away but he pulled me right back in. While I couldn't exactly read his mind, I felt emotions steaming off of him. The more I felt them, the more it felt like he was attempting to mark his territory. I put my hands on his chest and pushed back, stunned. 

B: "I'm sorry I-"

"I've got to get to work." I was mortified, I didn't know what else to say. As bad of an excuse as it was, it was true. 

B: "Of course, I apologize." 

I said nothing and just got in my car. 

On the way I thought of our kiss. We've kissed before but there was little to no chance of that one leading anywhere. This one was different, it could've...if I didn't stop it, it would have. The longer I thought of where we could've ended up, the more I realized, ew. 

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