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The next morning, I was eating breakfast when I heard my front door open and close again. Odd, seeing as I live alone. Just as I was going to investigate, blast generating in my hand, Tara walked around the corner. 

T: "Hey..." 

I scoffed and plopped back into my chair, "You look awful."

She settled into the seat next to me, "Yeah. Well, I feel even worse."

"Yes, you can take a shower here."

T: "Ca-"

"And you can borrow some of my clothes."

T: "Thanks. Any news about Jason?" 

"Yeah, Gran called me earlier, they let him go last night."

T: "I knew they would."

"I didn't."

T: "Well, I'm glad to see you're still alive. You obviously did not hoop up with that vampire last night."

I looked down, I could tell her about what happened but she'd probably only berate me for something.

T: "Oh, Kym, sometimes you are just plain dumb."


T: "Did he bite you?"


T: "Are you sure? 'Cause you know they can hypnotize you."

"Oh my god, Tara, he saved me last night." 

T: "He what?" 

"The Rattrays came back, they would've killed me if he wasn't there..."

T: "Jesus..."

"Look, I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you last night."

T: "Well, I'm sorry I been acting like I'm your mother. I just worry about you, Kym. You're basically my only friend."

"You know I love you Ter, I don't want something as silly as this to get in the way of our friendship." 

She gave me a smile, "Me either."

"So it's settled, no more letting men get in the way." I patted her hand and stood up, "I'm gonna head to Gran's. Knowing her she'll be cleaning like a mad woman for tonight." 

T: "Tonight?" 

I completely forgot to tell her... "See you later." I nearly bolted out the door before she could ask any more questions.  

Bill and I had arranged a night to meet at my gran's house. It was convenient, he'd get to 'call on me' and he and Gran would be able to sort out when he would come meet her club. 

I could hear the vacuum running from the porch, I let myself in. Once she noticed I had walked in she cut it off. 

"You know, he sleeps in the ground all day. I don't think he's gonna even look at the rug." 

G: "I-I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing this for me, so I can be proud of my home. And how do you know where he sleeps?"

"I don't, actually."

She started up the vacuum just to shut it back off a second later, "Oh, Kymberly." 


G: "Jason and Tara are coming over this evening as well."

"What? N- Gran."

G: "Well, they invited themselves. I told Jason over breakfast and he said he wants to meet the vampire for himself, and Tara called before you got here."

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