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I awoke in Sam Merlotte's arms, "Sam," I needed to go home to shower and change but I didn't want to leave without telling him.

S: "Mm."

"No, no 'mm', honey wake up." 

He yawned, "I'm up, is everything okay?" 

"Yeah, everything's great. I just need to leave." 

S: "Oh, okay, I'll walk you out."

"No, no it's okay. You just rest." he resituated on the bed, I kissed his forehead, and quietly left.

A wagging tail met me on the porch. I squatted down and scratched Dean behind the ears, "You wanna come home with me again tonight?" 

He barked and ran towards my car. It was far past morning so I'd only have a few hours before needing to go back in but I decided to get some more sleep anyway. Dean cuddled with me until it was time to get ready, but on the bright side, I'd get to see Sam again. 

I was the first one there, besides Sam of course. I was clocking as he pulled me into his office, he pinned me against the door.

S: "For the love of god tell me last night wasn't a dream."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." 

his face dropped into the biggest 'oh shit' expression I've ever seen, I couldn't help but laugh.

S: "You're such a dick." 

"Maybe," I pulled him into a kiss, "but listen, we can't do this while others are here-"

"Guess we need to get it all out of our system then." he kissed me all over causing me to laugh even more. 

"Sam? Kym?" Terry's voice rang out through the restaurant. 

S: "Shit." 

I groaned slightly, "Well, it was fun while it lasted, Merlotte." 

We came out of the office to say our good evenings. I was refilling ketchup containers, admittedly something that was supposed to be done the night before, when Sam leaned against the bar across from me. He was smiling, 

"I thought I said we couldn't do this while people are here. Lafayette of all people will catch on and I will never hear the end of it." 

S: "I know, so this is just a boss making friendly conversation with his employee who happens to be his good friend." 

"Mhm, so what friendly conversation are we having now?"

"I saw the dog get out of your truck, did something make you feel unsafe last night?" 

"No, not at all, he was on your porch as I was leaving and he seemed real excited when I asked him if he wanted to come home with me." 

S: "Oh, okay, good. Say, we didn't agree on a when for dinner did we?" 

"I think we were a little caught up in the moment."

S: "Well I was thinking, since you're off tomorrow?"

"Sounds great." 

S: "I'll see you around 7:30-8?" 

"See you then." 

I was beaming for the rest of the evening, hell even into that night, even Bill commented on it when he came over. After some dancing around talking about last night, I decided it was time to rip the band-aid off. 

"Bill, I like you." 

B: "Oh, well I like you too." 

"No, I know how you mean it, and that's not how I mean it." 

He looked confused, which was fair I had no idea how to explain how I was feeling even though I've been thinking about it all day, "Well, how do you mean it, Kymberly?" 

"I like you as a friend. I know we've kissed and I know what happened last night, but-"

B: "You aren't in love with me."


He looked hurt but understanding at the same time, "May I ask how you came to this conclusion?" 

"Honestly? Sam. Things happened last night that... opened my eyes." 

B: "Ah, I should leave then-" 

"No, Bill I still- I- you-" 

B: "You're still drawn to me?"

"Yes, I feel like something's missing when I'm without you and I know it's just your blood but sometimes I feel like maybe it isn't... I don't know but, please, tell me how longer this will last." 

B: "I don't know. A long time, probably. If you don't want to see me any-" 

I was getting frustrated with the situation, "That's the problem! I do, I want to keep seeing you, being with you, but I- I can't." 

B: "Why not." 


B: "You are not one to be ordered around by some guy." 

"I'm not being 'ordered around' besides he never even thought of it, but it's out of respect... that and I'm afraid that if I don't, I may do something to fuck up what Sam and I could have. And, I don't want to do that." 

B: "I promise, I would never do anything to-"

"It's not you, I trust you, but I don't trust myself to be able to fight off your blood's effects... So I am making a choice," 

B: "Please, please don't finish that sentence. I care for you, for the first time in a very long time, I care about something, please don't end it this way." 


B: "You are strong, plenty strong enough to ignore whatever influences my blood may have on you. I know this is selfish but-but I do not care." 

I stared at him for a moment, like I said, a piece of me is missing when I'm without him. And, I know that Sam is who I feel right with...

"Fine, but if the pulls becomes to much-"

B: "I will stay away, I promise. But it's not yet, so please." 

"Okay, we can keep hanging out for now but just as friends. Nothing more."

B: "Of course."  

And there my choice became only slightly my own. Of course I didn't want to just leave Bill behind, but I don't know what part of our friendship is me and which part is his blood, and that scared me. But he is right, I am strong, I just hope his blood will leave my system sooner rather than later.

"Oh, and I won't be here tomorrow night, so we won't be able to hang out." 

B: "Okay, may I ask-" 

"Sam and I are going on a date." 

B: "Oh, well, I wish you luck." 

I could tell that was hard for him to say, 

"Thank you, um, I do need to get some sleep though." 

B: "Of course, I will see you soon Miss Stackhouse." 

"Bye Bill." 

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