-The night after our date, I prob won't write abt it but just for reference let's say it went well-

I tossed and turned all night thinking of every possible outcome and whether or not I was even going to tell Sam about my powers. I really care about him and I want this to go further, so I have to tell him... right? It's only right, I mean how can a relationship thrive if one is holding back a secret so large? 

I dreaded going into work, having to act like everything's fine all day just to reveal 'hey I can save you from a gunshot wound, rebuild your house in seconds, move a car with my mind, and oh yeah I can blast balls of energy from my hands'... God maybe I shouldn't do this... 

I tossed a 'good morning' over my shoulder to Arlene and Tara and clocked in, Sam leaned against the door frame of his office. 


I rolled my eyes and smiled, he looked around before pulling me into the office. 

"I really hope this is a professional conversation, or else I may just have to go to HR." 

S: "You do realize that I am HR," 

I laughed as he pulled me in for a kiss. 

"But seriously, I do need to get to work. With how sneaky Arlene is, we have to be really careful." 

S: "I know, that's why I locked the door." 

"Because that's not at all suspicious."

S: "Maybe I didn't think that one all the way through..." 

"When do you ever?" 

S: "About as often as you." 

I laughed again, "I'm getting back to work now, boss." 

He rolled his eyes and I started waiting tables. I was worried that this would be hard, but when I'm with him it's like, no matter what I could tell him, because it's me he wouldn't care. Unless it's got something to do with vampires then it's all 'Im WoRrIeD aBoUt YoU' and 'YoUrE gOnNa GeT yOuRsElF kIlLeD'... as if I can't protect myself, then again that's why I'm planning on this whole conversation tonight, because he doesn't know that I actually can.

Arlene nudged me, "Well don't you look about as happy as a kid in a candy store. Oh, did you go on a date? You tell me right now!" 

"No, Arlene, there was no date, can't I just be happy?" I knew she'd see right through it.

A: "Well, yeah, of course, but you're, like, oddly happy. You aren't going out with that vampire again are you!?" 

Lafayette walked to the kitchen window, "Hooker! Leave. Her. Alone. She'd tell you if she wanted your nose all up in her business." 

"You are just so rude, Lafayette." she huffed and stormed off to her tables.

"Thanks, Laf." 

L: "But, between us girls-" 

"No. I have not been seeing Bill. Well, I mean, I have, we still hang out but not like that." 

L: "Okay, but I wouldn't tell Tara if I's was you, that bitch has a personal vendetta against that dead man." 

"I know. You know, he's really not that bad. I wish she'd actually try to get to know him." 

L: "Not everyone has that much love in their hearts my sweet summer child." 

"I was born in the fall."

L: "HA! Go wait your tables, hooker." 

"Mm, go fry your potatoes, bitch." 

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