Knights In Shining Armor

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We raced to the hospital, Andy met us outside her room, 

"Kymberly, maybe you shouldn't-"

"I'm going in, Andy. She's my grandmother." 

I pushed past him, Bill was already sitting by her side telling the sheriff his side of the story. Sam was immediately next to me. 

"Gran!" I rushed to her, she was out cold and covered in patched-up wounds. 

Bill: "She'll be out for a bit longer, the doctors put her to sleep to help ease the pain." 

"What are you doing here?"  

B: "I'm the one that found her, I heard screams but by the time I got there..." 

Sheriff: "If Mr. Compton hadn't found her so quickly, it's likely... well, it's a good thing he was there." 

"Has anyone called Jason?" I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I planned to heal her as soon as everyone left.

Sam: "I could do it if you'd like, you just stay here with her." he stepped out of the room. 

Tears welled in my eyes, "So her attacker just got away?" 

B: "I'm afraid so, I'm sorry I didn't realize what was happening sooner-"

"It's not your fault Bill..." 

Sam walked back into the room, "I'm sorry he wouldn't pick up," 

"It's okay, I-I'm gonna stay here tonight. Thank you for the ride." 

S: "Of course, are you sure you wanna be alone right now?"

"I won't be alone-" I squeezed her hand in hopes of some kind of response.

S: "You know what I mean," 

I sniffed and looked at him, his face full of concern, "Oh, I couldn't ask you to, I mean you've got to open in the morning." 

S: "Arlene can open, I don't want to leave you right now." 

B: "It'll be dawn soon so I've got to go... but I'd much prefer it if someone was with you." 

S: "I don't think she much cares for what you prefer, Bill." 

Sheriff: "Boys, I don't think this is what miss Stackhouse needs at the moment." 

"He's right, I really don't need this right now. Sam, I would really like it if you'd stay. Bill, I'll see you tomorrow night, I'm sure." 

B: "You will." he hugged me and sped home. 

The cops left with instruction to call when she woke, Sam and I sat on the couch. 

S: "Do you need anything? Cup of coffee? Blanket?" 


He lent a comforting smile and took me into his arms. 

"This is my fault, isn't it?" 

S: "What!?"

"Maudette and Dawn, I mean, it wasn't a complete secret that they messed around with vampires sometimes. Me and Bill... Everyone knows I go to her house after her meetings, someone obviously went thinking I'd be there and-"

He tightened his grip around me, "No, no, don't think like that. This is no one's fault other than who did it. A monster attacked her because he's a bad person, no other reason." 


S: "Just, stop thinking like that and try to get some sleep, yeah?" 


S: "It went well, for the most part." 

G: "Oh, I'm sure this threw a real wrench into everything, but she still had a good time didn't she?" 

S: "I hope so." 

Still groggy, I sat up to see Sam and Gran talking.

"Gran?" I walked over to her and hugged her tightly

G: "Good morning, dear. I hope I didn't worry you too much because I'm quite alright." 

S: "The doctors gave her a lot of pain killers, and the cops have already come and gone for her statement." 

G: "The kicker is that I can't hardly remember any of it, but they said that that's common in situations like these." 

"But you are okay?"

G: "Of course I am sweetheart," 

"Oh thank god!" I hugged her once more. 

She was cleared to go home later that day. It probably helped that when I woke up to go to the bathroom I healed her wounds so she really did feel 110%. 

Sam and I decided it was best we stay with her at least for the rest of the day. She still couldn't remember anything, I debated searching her mind but decided against it, she'd already been through too much and needed to rest.

"You know, you can really go home Sam. I've got it from here." 

S: "No. I'm not leaving you alone while I still have a choice in the matter." 


S: "I care about you Kymberly, I would never forgive myself if I left now and either of you got hurt... or worse." 

I smiled, he really did care about me... "I'll set up the couch for you." 


I had finally fallen asleep when I heard the guest room door creak open and footsteps growing nearer, I didn't think much of it until a pair of hands gripped my throat and squeezed until it felt like my head was going to pop off. I tried to fight, but whoever was much stronger than me,

"S-Sam. B-Bill." I knew neither one could hear me, but I hoped... everything started to go black when I heard Bill's voice yelling my name, 

I shot up in bed, clawing at my throat but finding no pair of hands. "Wha-what's going on?"  

B: "I thought- it doesn't matter just go back to sleep..."

"Are you okay!?" Sam rushed to the other side of my bed, 

I was out of breath, my heart racing, "I think... it was just a dream, wasn't it?" 

S: "It was, just lay back down." 

"G-Gran? Is she-" 

S: "Still asleep, the pain killers knocked her out, you should get some rest. I'll be downstairs, if you need me, okay?" 

I reached out for his hand, "No, stay, please?" 

he nodded and sat beside me, 

B: "I'll be outside, I promise you, no one will get inside." 

"Thank you." I closed my eyes and clung to Sam, I eventually drifted back to sleep.

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