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I had decided to go to Gran's first thing the next morning. It was now about lunch time and Jason's truck just very quickly came into the drive way. 

Jason: "Hey. How come you didn't tell me you beat up the Rattrays last night?"

"I haven't even seen you since then."

J: "Where's Gran?"

"Hanging the laundry out back. And you keep your voice down. I don't want her to know about any of this."

J: "Fortenberry couldn't wait till I got to work this morning to tell me all about it."

"Hoyt Fortenberry?"

J: "Mm-hm."

"How the hell does he know?"

J: "He went over to the Rats last night to buy some weed. Said Denise drove up like she wanted to kill somebody she was so mad. The only way she would sell him any weed was if he would drive Mack to the hospital in Monroe." 

"Oh, please, I didn't even blast them that hard. 'Sides, did Hoyt tell you that Mack came after me with a knife?"

J: "Motherfucker. You want me to kick his ass?" 

"I think I've already covered that, thanks." 

J: "What are you doing messing with them anyway?"

"Well, did you know that they are not only drug dealers, but they're vampire drainers, too." I only earned a puzzled look, "One of my customers last night was a vampire, and they were draining him out in the parking lot. So, I stopped it."

J: "Kymberly, you do not want to get mixed up with vampires. Trust me."

"Save it, Jason, I've heard it from every person possible so I'm not interested in hearing it from you. And, even if you hate vampires, there's no way you're okay with trash like the Rats draining them. They would have left him in the woods to die."

J: "Who fucking cares? He's already dead."

"That's not his fault."

He paused for a moment, "What did he look like?"

I thought back to the man from last night, of all words how would I describe him? 

"Blue-eyed, handsome, I guess. Sorta... old-fashioned." 

J: "Was he bald-headed?"

"No. He actually had really nice hair, brown."

J: "Tattoos?"

"None that I could see, wai- why?"

Before he could answer, Gran's voice called his name.

J: "Gran!" 

G: "Sakes alive, boy, where have you been keeping yourself? You get on over here and hug my neck." he basically jumped down the steps to wrap his arms around her, "Say, are you hungry?"

J: "For your cookin'? Always, Gran." 

We all moved from the porch to the kitchen table. Talking over lunch, the phone rang and Gran excused herself.

"So, what'd you do last night." 

J: "Ah, you don't wanna know what I did last night."


He just laughed, 

Gran walked back into the room, looking horrified, "That was Evalee Mason. Guess who was found strangled to death in her apartment. Maudette Pickens."

"Oh my god..."

G: "She didn't show up for work, wasn't answering her phone. So her boss called Bud Dearborne, he rode over, got the manager to let him in, and they found her."

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