The First Day

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As I pulled into the parking garage, I felt a sensation of dread as well as excitement. I hoped that Miss Grant would fail to show up, or at least not be on time. I couldn't stand to be around her. Yes she was gorgeous, but so arrogant. So smug. So proud.

I pressed the elevator button to bring me to the floor of my office, feeling complete peace in the moment.

As I stepped off the elevator, I noticed that Arnold was sitting at his desk, but no one else was in the waiting area. I smirked. Suppose that Miss Grant wised up and didn't show. I thought smugly to myself.

I opened my office door and was startled to see Miss Grant sitting at my desk, rummaging through the mess of papers I had left the day prior. She glanced up, briefly, and went back to what she was doing.

"Mr. Cavill, you have a meeting with the shareholders at 11AM," she said curtly as I stated at her incredulously.

"Miss Grant what-" I started, but she interrupted.

"Mr. Cache informed me that you take your coffee black with two sugars, it's waiting on the end table for you."

I looked at the table by the door where I stood, and sure enough a cup of coffee sat there, still steaming, just like Arnold - or Mr. Cache - had made it.

Miss Grant stood from my desk with a folder of papers, handing them to me as she walked over to her desk on the other side of the room.

"Here is a folder of all the expense reports for this quarter, along with your lists of investments and possible ventures," she said as she sat in front of her computer.

I didn't know how to react, and didn't realize I was staring at her until she shot a look at me.

"Is there anything else that you need, Mr. Cavill?"

"Uh- no, Miss Grant. This will do very nicely for now. Um- when did you get here exactly?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Mr. Cavill, I figured it would be best if I arrive an hour before you, seeing as you favor people who arrive earlier," she quipped.

Dammit. Witty as well as beautiful, yet still cocky. I thought to myself.

"Yes, well, thank you Miss Grant," I said. She simply nodded and went back to what she was doing on the computer.

I sat down at my own desk, frustrated at her for her so-called 'moxie'.

I would love to wipe that look off her face, I thought to myself angrily. That smug fucking look pisses me off. I could bend her over my desk and- I shook the thoughts from my head. I took a deep breath, looking up at her once again, only to find her deeply focused on her work.

For once in my life I was looking forward to my meeting with the shareholders, to put space between me and that fucking woman. But I had to admit, she had all of my notes ready and in the order I needed them in without a word from me directly.

Maybe I should increase Arnold's pay, he clearly told her everything she needs to know - so far.

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