The Rain

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For 6 days, Evelyn was cold and distant to me. I wouldn't pretend I didn't feel bad- the truth was I felt horrible.

I looked up from my desk to gaze at her. Her blue eyes were trained onto her computer screen, refusing to look up at me.

I turned back to my desk, and noticed the rain beginning to pour outside the window.

"Miss Grant," I said, her head darting up to attention. "It's raining pretty hard."

She looked over at the window and looked exasperated.

"Yes, Mr. Cavill. It does appear to be raining," she sighed.

"Do you have an umbrella?"

"No, Mr. Cavill. The forecast didn't mention rain."

"Ah. Well in that case, would you like a ride home?"

She shot a look at me, anger in her eyes. I simply shrugged.

"I promise I won't let you forget your briefcase this time," and as soon as the words left my mouth I knew I had screwed up.

"That's enough!" Evelyn yelled, standing up from her seat. "When are you going to let that go?"

"When are you going to let it go?" I quipped back. "I have been being professional and as kind to you as I can be, and I've been met with nothing but harshness and resentment!"

"You shouldn't have snooped in my things!" Evelyn snapped, walking towards me with her finger pointed like a dagger.

"Well maybe you shouldn't write little love notes to keep in your briefcase in the first place!"

"Oh my god - it wasn't a love note, it was a lust note - and you can forget about it, because I'm completely over it!" Evelyn was still walking closer to me, and I stood in place letting her close the distance.

"Forget about what?" I snarled. Evelyn was only a foot away from me now, finger in my face, hers turning red from anger.

"Forget about the note!" She said in a hushed tone. "Just forget about it." Her eyes fell down my frame, and got wider. I glanced down, only to feel a great wave of shame come over me.

"Oh my god - Evelyn I'm so sorry," I stammered, trying desperately to hide the bulge that had shown up out of nowhere. I looked back at her eyes and saw a look I wasn't familiar with.

Evelyn's eyes had a usual look of distain and pride, but it was replaced by an innocent gaze. Even though I had covered my shame with my hands, she couldn't seem to look away.

"Mr. Cavill," she started, finally looking away. "I'm sorry."

"N-no Ev- Miss Grant. It's my fault. I'm sorry."

She nodded, still looking away, and went to gather her things. I looked out the window, the rain had turned to hail and was coming down even harder than it had before.

"Miss Grant," I apologized. "Please forgive me, that wasn't my intention. I would still like to give you a ride home, I promise to be completely professional."

"Very well," Evelyn nodded. "I think I'll wait for you in the lobby." She hurried out of the room, and I sat down on the floor. So this is what humiliation feels like, I thought. After a moment to compose myself, I quickly went to my computer and began typing.

Please forgive me for embarrassing you about your note. And please forgive me for ... well you saw.
And please, please, know that I want you.

I printed the note and sloppily folded it, shoving it in my pocket before grabbing my briefcase and heading out the door.

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