The Note

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I pulled into the parking garage at Evelyn's apartment building. Taking deep breaths, I grabbed the briefcase and made my way into the building.

I glanced at the doorbell list, seeing "Grant" attached to apartment 217. I pressed the button, expecting an intercom, but after a moment or two the door unlocked.

I guess this means I have permission to enter, I mused.

I walked up the stairs to the second floor, and my stomach started doing flips as I approached the door marked 217.

After a few moments of hesitation, I finally knocked. The door slowly swung open.

Evelyn stood there, not a speck of makeup on her face, her raven hair damp - and much longer than I had expected - wearing a sports bra and track shorts.

"Henry - I'm so sorry, I showered before I realized my case was missing," she gestured to her hair and outfit, seeming embarrassed to look casual.

"No problem at all, I don't think I'm dressed much differently," I laughed, gesturing to my own wet hair and outfit choice. Evelyn smiled, but it quickly faded.

"My briefcase, please," she said, holding her hands out. I handed her the case and she immediately took it inside to her kitchen table. I didn't want to stand in the hallway awkwardly, so I stepped inside and closed the door.

Evelyn's apartment was clean and tidy, just like her, but just like her, it gave away none of her personality. A potted plant on a coffee table, beige couches, a simple drawing of a flower on the wall - minimalistic at best.

I glanced over at the kitchen table, where Evelyn was frantically going through her briefcase. She found the note, still tucked where she had originally left it, and heaved a sigh. She turned around and yelped, not realizing I was still there.

"Henry!" She exclaimed. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were standing there."

"It's okay, I'm sorry to intrude," I apologized. "I felt strange about standing in the hallway." I noticed the note, hanging in her hand. "Can I ask what that is?"

Her eyes darted to her hand and she immediately put them behind her back.

"That is none of your business," she scolded, trying to stuff the note unsuccessfully in her pocket.

"I was just curious," I shrugged.

"Curiosity killed the cat you know."

"Yes, but satisfaction brought him back."

Evelyn glared at me as though I had just insulted her grandmother.

"Oh come on, Evelyn," I pleaded. "I swear I won't make fun of you."

"No! It's-its not for your eyes!" A flash of red went across her face, and I felt my heart flutter. I had never seen Evelyn like this, it felt completely out of character.

"You know," I spoke softly, stepping towards her. "I am your boss. What's your business could also be my business." Evelyn stumbled backward, hitting her hip against her table and letting out a pained yipe before crumbling to the ground.

"Evelyn, I'm sorry - I was just teasing," I said, rushing to her aid. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" She snapped at me, shooing my hand away.

"God, what is wrong with you?" I grumbled in annoyance. "Every time I try to be nice to you, you have to find some way to take offense!"

"What's wrong with you?" Evelyn retorted. "I don't need help, especially not from an arrogant man like you!"

I was dumbfounded. I was angry. And without thinking, I snatched the note from the floor where it had landed.

"Mr. Cavill, please - no!" Evelyn begged, her face as red as a tomato.

"Henry," I began reading out loud.

"No!" Evelyn cried, lunging at me with her small frame, only to be stopped by my shoulder.

"I don't know how to say this-"

"Please Henry no!"

"But I-" I stopped dead in my tracks.

But I want you.

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