The Briefcase

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Once I had dropped Evelyn off at her home safely, I started the drive home, arguing with my own thoughts.

She's completely amazing isn't she?

She doesn't even like me.

But she told you to call her Evelyn.

That doesn't matter.

But she accepted a ride home from you.

Only after rejecting it the first time.

But you finally heard her laugh.

Yeah, all I know now is that she's capable of laughter.

I still wrestled with these thoughts as I got home, but as I pulled into the driveway, I noticed her briefcase still on the floor of the passenger side.

I should return this to her immediately.

No, you'll see her tomorrow morning at work.

But I have her address, I could take it back to her.

Just then, my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Henry! I think I left my briefcase in your car!" Evelyn's voice came through the other side.

"Oh, I actually just noticed that. Do you want me to hold onto it until tomorrow morning?"

"No! I absolutely need it back- immediately!" She sounded terrified. "I'm so sorry to impose but is there anyway you could bring it back to me?"

"Um yes, I just need to shower first and I can be there within the next 30 minutes, if that's alright?"

"Yes sir thank you - I mean Henry. Please hurry!"

The call ended, and I couldn't help but wonder what in there was so important that it simply couldn't wait until tomorrow morning.

I brought the briefcase inside with me, still wondering.

Why don't you take a peek?

Against my better judgement, I opened the clasp on the briefcase. There were work documents, employee lists, things you would typically find in a briefcase.

Just as I was about to put it away, a note caught my eye. It was folded neatly and tucked deep into a pocket on the case.

I pulled it out, and was shocked to see my own name on it.


My heart stopped at the sight. I knew without a doubt this was exactly what Evelyn was scared of me finding.

I held the note in my hands, dragging my fingers along the edge, wondering whether or not I should read it. Evelyn's handwriting was exquisite, just seeing my name written by her hands was exciting enough.

I carefully tucked the note back into its spot, not daring to read a single word, worried it would come back to bite me later.

I went to the shower and stripped off my clothes and my phone rang again.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Henry have you finished your shower?" Evelyn asked, sounding even more panicked than the first time she called.

"Oh, no, I was just about to hop in."

"Please please please hurry, I really need that briefcase back!"

"Why?" I teased. "Is there something in there I shouldn't see?"

"You had better not take a single glance, Mr. Cavill."

Oh, back to work names now.

"No of course not, Miss Grant. I'll hurry, I promise."

The phone call ended without her saying another word. I could tell that whatever was in that note was something Evelyn really didn't want me to see.

I showered quickly, barely keeping it at 5 minutes, before throwing on a t shirt and sweat pants and heading out the door.

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