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The next two days went the same. Evelyn - Miss Grant - would barely say a word to me unless it was work related. She would gather her things and march out the door as though I weren't there. I would go home after she had left, just so I didn't disturb her.

Each night when I got home, the solitude I was so used to seemed worse. The darkness in my empty house seemed darker, the water in my shower never seemed warm enough, and my bed felt emptier than ever.

I couldn't help but think about Miss Grant. She had been a totally different person, one that I had never expected but completely adored, and she was gone just as quickly. In all honesty I was surprised that she continued to work as my personal assistant. I would be lost without her.

I am lost without her. I shook my head as I stared at the ceiling. I don't know what to do with her.

The next morning as I came to work I noticed Miss Grant at Arnold's desk, laughing and chattering away. I stood at the elevator door for a moment, taking in the scene. Miss Grant was beautiful either way, but her smile felt like sunshine after a storm.

"Good morning Miss Grant, Mr. Cache," I said, approaching slowly. Miss Grant's smile dropped quickly when she noticed me.

"Sorry, Mr. Cavill. Mr. Cache and I were just talking about his date," Miss Grant said, immediately hurrying into the office. I turned to Arnold with a smile.

"So Mr. Cache, the date went well?" I asked. Arnold beamed ear to ear.

"No, Mr. Cavill, not at all," he laughed. "My date's car broke down and we had to wait for a tow, so instead of dinner and drinks we walked to a nearby gas station and had a picnic on the grass." I chortled.

"Well, you still had a good time didn't you?"

"Oh yes Mr. Cavill. I'm seeing him again this weekend!" Arnold clapped his hands together quietly while he blushed.

"In that case," I replied, "maybe you should take Friday off?"

"Oh- yes! Thank you!" Arnold said excitedly.

I nodded, still smiling, and walked into my office. Miss Grant was at her usual spot typing away and didn't look up as I entered.

"Seems like Mr. Cache had a good time," I said casually, picking up my coffee and taking the first sip.

"Yes, I'm happy for him," Evelyn responded, eyes glued to the screen. I took the hint not to bother her and sat myself at my desk.

After a few minutes, Miss Grant stood up and brought a folder up to my desk.

"Mr. Cavill," she said, holding the papers towards my hand, "these are this quarters expense reports as well as projections for next quarter." I nodded, taking the papers from her.

"Oh - also - we have a meeting at 12PM with the shareholders," she said, pulling another piece of paper off of her desk to hand to me. I nodded again, but I felt her eyes lingering on me. I looked up and made eye contact with her briefly before she turned and walked back to her desk.

I watched her walk away and waited until she was seated to look down at my desk. She hadn't made eye contact with me for days and I wondered over and over again whether or not she would. All I really wanted was a personal assistant who could mind their business, but here I was not minding my own.

I decided that that was enough. I couldn't very well spend the rest of my life trying to win Miss Grant's approval. I clearly couldn't win her friendship, so what was the point of trying to win with her at all.

I shifted my thoughts to Arnold and his date. I wondered how he managed to meet someone that he immediately got along with. Then again, Arnold Cache was a handsome (albeit lanky) young man that was easy to befriend.

Miss Grant had pointed out to me at one time that she thought I was arrogant and rude, but I always assumed I was approachable. Maybe that's why she's distancing herself from me. She doesn't want to change her mind about me.

"Stop it," I mumbled to myself. I knew better than to speculate about Miss Grant. I knew that she wanted to let go of what happened and resume life as normal.

I felt her eyes on me, so I glanced up.

"Mr. Cavill, did you say something?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"Just finishing some documentation," I lied. She nodded and went back to work, leaving me once again alone with my thoughts.

A gentleman and a ladyWhere stories live. Discover now