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Manga- Tomie

Alternative Name- Ito Junji Kessakushuu: Tomie, Ito Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection: Tomie

Author- Junji Ito

Artists- Junji Ito

Publisher- Nemuki, Monthly Halloween

Genre- Horror, Drama, Supernatural, Shoujo

Volumes- 3 Volumes

Chapters- 25 Chapters

Date Started- 1987

Date Ended- 2000

Description- Tomie Kawakami is a femme fatale with long black hair and a beauty mark just under her left eye. She can seduce nearly any man, and drive them to murder as well, even though the victim is often Tomie herself. While one lover seeks to keep her for himself, another grows terrified of the immortal succubus. But soon they realize that no matter how many times they kill her, the world will never be free of Tomie.

Other Series- Not of this specific story no

Anime Series- Yes there is actually

Warnings- Explicit Violence, Nudity

Popularity- It's popular

Opinion- Where do I even start with this? Tomie... Uh, honestly Junji Ito is something that completely fucks up your mind. Makes you question your life decisions. You can decide if you want to read this or not. There is one that I DO NOT RECOMMEND - UZUMAKI SPIRALLING HORROR!! I emotionally and mentally messed up now from that. So if you read it. That's on you. I had warned you. Apparently, Tomie has a live-action movie from 1999. That's cool.

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Some Example Chapters-

Some Example Chapters-

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