Chapter 22: Blood on Lantillies

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August 27.

Jaral opened her eyes to find herself laying on a cot. She put two fingers to rub her eyes and slowly pushed up, sitting on the edge of it and finding to her surprise that Merrin was sit on a chair next to her and probably testing her new omni-tool.

"You are quite the sleeper." the Nightsister commented sarcastically.

Jaral groaned and took a moment to reorient her senses. "How long have I been out?" she asked.

 "How long have I been out?" she asked

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"You just reached the 21st hour."

The Jedi groaned again in disbelief before letting herself slide out of the bed and Merrin stood up to help her. "What happened?"

"You exerted your mind too much." Merrin simply explained. "Using your powers on such a scale. But thanks to you, we won the battle. You did good."

"Thanks...I guess."

Merrin gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Come on. The Colonel was very worried, go show your face again."

Jaral chuckled, but she could clearly sense the apprehension coming through the minor Force bond she had with her husband, so she didn't lose any time walking back toward the bridge of the carrier, being greeted by the soldiers she met along the way. When she stepped in, she found Darvos, Ahsoka, Nimbus and Cere around the holo-table inspecting some map.

The Colonel turned his head backward and when she saw her he immediately went to make sure she was healthy.

"Jari, you ok?"

"I'm fine, Darv. I was just tired."

He sighed relieved and gave her a quick hug but tight hug. "You scared me, damn it."

"Sorry." she whispered sincerely as she returned the gesture before they separated and went around the table.

"Welcome back to the realm of the living." Nimbus quipped to greet her.

"Glad to see you too, guys. What do we got here?"

Darvos showed a holomap of Korriban. "Our forces have located a few landing zones. The Taus have already established their own and are advancing toward the Valley of the Temples, which Nimbus was kind enough to point us." he explained, nodding toward the Mirialan.

"Enemy resistance?" Jaral asked.

"So far, at least a stormtrooper legion, and probably one of the most devout to Palpatine. Still, Commander Lum'Yir and his forces are pushing on."


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