Chapter 3

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Scorching water tumbled down my slim body, id never been able to put much weight on, there was never any food in the house and I couldn't afford to buy any, so most days I went without. My body bruised easily and I just knew that the marking around my neck and eye were going to be bad.

Turning off the shower I lean my head against the wall besides me. I stayed there for what felt like hours as i breathed deep breaths. "Fuck" i said to myself as I got out the shower and walked to my room, stepping over my still unconscious father.

I got into a pair of old, faded bootleg jeans and threw on an old guns n roses hoodie. My hair had already dried from the time I spent standing in the shower and my skin started to show signs of bruising.

I let out a pained sigh and ran my hands through my hair before grabbing the duffle that was under my bed. I threw a few pair of clothes and a box of cigarettes in along with what was left in my flask. I took one of the cigarettes and put it between my lips, igniting the end.

I looked around my room once more, stuffing my tape player in my pocket as well as the money I stole from my father. I puffed on my cigarette and then chucked it on the floor and squashed it with my foot.

If I lived in a house, I would burn it to the ground with my father inside but sadly that was not the case. I left my bedroom and headed to the bathroom once more. I covered the marks on my face and around my neck with a clumpy bottle of makeup and grabbed the prescription pills from the cabinet.

I walked out of the apartment, stepping over my useless fathers body once more and didn't turn back. It was around 4am now and the sun was coming up, I had no place to go, I was alone. So I decided to go and do what I intended on doing yesterday. Talking to max.

The walk took me 3 hours before I was standing in front of her caravan. I brought up my fist to knock on the door but stopped when police sirens filled my ears. Confusion clouded my face as I turned to see 4 cop cars pull into the site.

"Emmy" a voice called from directly behind me. "Fuck" i screamed, whipping my body around to face the ginger girl in front of me. "What are you doing here?" She asks as her eyebrows furrow when she focuses on my face. "What happened to your eye?" She says stepping towards me with her hand outstretched.

I take one small step backwards and smile sheepishly at her. "I got into a major fight with some bitch and she actually managed to get a hit in. I know, can you believe it" i say quickly before turning back to the cop cars that stopped outside the adjacent van.

We stand in silence as we watch a dozen cops emerge from their cars. "Looks like that Munson boy is up to no good again" her mother states from behind us. "Hey" i say softly and she just smiles and headed back into their van.

"Max, what the hell happened?" I ask slightly worried. Munson, Eddie Munson. He couldn't have done anything to warrant this many cops outside his place. What the hell happened.

"Come on" I call to Max, beginning to walk towards the commotion. An older man stands infront of the trailer with another cop, he looks so on edge and shaken up.

I step closer to the van and peer through the open door. My eyes widen in shock and panic begins to fill my body as I see what was inside the trailer. A body.

I turn around and place my hands on Max's shoulders, turning her as well. My attempts weren't quick enough as I read her expression, she saw it too. "Come on" I said pulling her back to the trailer.

Munson killed somebody. No, he can't have done that. Id never spoken to Eddie before but I could tell he wasn't malicious or bad, he didn't have it in him to hurt somebody. He's not a killer despite what everyone thinks about him.

Goddamn Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now