Chapter 25

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The sun shines through the thin fabric curtains, awaking me from a much needed sleep. I shift my body in attempts to move to the side but to no avail, my body was trapped under a muscular arm that was wrapped securely around my waist. Carefully, I lift his heavy ass arm up and shift out the way before gently placing it back into the bed.

I stretch my arms above me and take a long breath before walking out of the room and towards the bathroom to freshen up because I seriously needed a shower. I close the bedroom door softly behind me and turn towards the bathroom but make eye contact with Dustin who was wiggling his eyebrows at me from the living room.

I groan as he makes his way over to me, I quickly move into the bathroom and attempt to shut the door but he was too fast. "What ya doin?" He asks with a mischievous grin. "Taking a shower" I say with a tight lipped smile. "Hm" he makes a small noise before continuing. "Nice shirt" he says, pointing down to the T-shirt that obviously didn't belong to me. I glare at him to which he only laughs in response before turning on his heel and humming sweetly as he walks away, dick.

I lock the door and pull Eddies oversized shirt from my slender frame, revealing all the bruises and scars that littered my body. I sigh as I look over my pale skin and fragile looking body. I trail my finger over my shoulder and along my collar bone, right where Eddie kissed me last night, I don't understand how he can look at me with such desire when my body looked so beaten and bruised.

I sigh once more before stepping into the warm shower and washing my body with strongly fragranced masculine soaps that smelt exactly as Eddie did. I washed my hair and scrubbed my skin clean to rid it of all the impurities. Blood, dirt and sweat rinsed from my body and I felt 10 pounds lighter already.

As quickly as I could, I finished having the shower and turned the water off as I pulled a clean towel over my body and through my hair. I pulled on the shirt and ruffled my damp hair before making my way back towards Eddies bedroom. "Morning" his sleepy voice calls out from the bed as he stretches his arms up above his head. It gives me a good chance to rake my eyes over his shirtless body, his lean muscles and tattoos that were spread across his arms and chest.

"Like what you see?" He asks cockily, sitting up from the bed and walking over to me with a slight yawn. "What's not to like" I state with a shrug of my shoulders before walking away from him and over towards his dresser. I open the first drawer and pull out another clean shirt from the drawer as he walks up behind me. He dosent say a word as he moves my damp hair to one side of my shoulder, letting his fingers graze the back of my neck.

He remains silent as he kisses over the exposed skin on my neck causing goosebumps to spread like wild fire across my skin. "I need to change" I say with all my might but it only comes out as a shaky whisper. "Go on then" he whispers back, before leaving another trail of kisses across my skin. "Turn around" I say with a small smile, pushing he back from me with my ass.

I turn to face him, taking in his sleepy eyes and tousled hair. "I'm serious" I laugh as a wide grin tugs at his lips. "Okay, fine. Whatever my girls wants" he says, holding his hands up in defeat as he picks up a top from the floor and pulls it over his body. "I'll meet you out here" he smiles as he walks out the bedroom door.

A wide smile breaks out on my face as I can barely continue my giddiness, what has this boy done to me. I change into the top I pulled from his dresser, then putting on my same undergarments and jeans from the day before.

"Emmy, Nancys up now" A voice calls from the other side of the bedroom door. "Coming" I yell as I pull on a clean pair of Eddies socks and make my way into the living room where everyone else is. "Sleep well?" Steve asks rhetorically as i wander into the room, a knowing grin on his face. I shoot him a glare before taking a seat next to Erika who smiled brightly at me before turning my attention towards a terrified looking Nancy.

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