Chapter 21

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"Eddie, what are you doing now?" I ask as he climbs up a large rock covered in vines. It's like looking after a five year old. He got to the top and turned with a triumphant smile. I shake my head and laugh slightly, he has no idea that if he steps on one of those vines, we're done for.

"So, uh, this place is like Hawkins but with monsters and nasty shit?" He asks, looking around from on top of the rock. "Correct. But you can argue that there are a lot more monsters in our world than here" I state simply.

Understandably there is a supernatural thing killing teenagers and doing murderous shit, but unfortunately it's somewhat more comforting here than in the real world knowing only one or two things are trying to kill you than hundreds of thousands of people in our world.

Thunder blares through the air and another creature screeches from the distance. Actually, scratch that, I would rather suffer in our world than here. This shits terrifying.

Eddie begins to walk back down from the rock, almost stepping on the vines that wrapped around it. "Wait, watch out for the vines" Nancy calls out to him urgently. "It's all a hive mind" She continues, making him freeze in his spot. "It's all a what?" He questions, confused as to what a 'hive mind' was.

"Basically" I say dragging out the word "Step on one of those, you step on Vecna" I state causing his eyes to widen and him to proceed down the rock with extra precision and caution. "Couldn't you have told me that sooner" Eddie whisper yells at me from on the rock.

I smile slightly and stuff my hands in my pockets. "But then I wouldn't have got to see that look on your face when you found out" I say with a wide smile. He rolls his eyes in response and jumps down the rest of the rock, to the ground in front of me. "You're evil" he states, standing in front of me. "I know" I say mischievously.

I look up to his stern face above mine, the way he was looking at me radiated a kind of dominant energy, daring me to continue being a brat. We were pulled out of our locked eye contact by Robin rambling on. "But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people? Obviously" She states in a tone that means she's figured something out.

I step to the side so I was no longer faced towards Eddie but besides him, looking at Robin. "As far as I understand, yeah" Nancy says confusion etched on her face. "What have you figured out?" I asks Robin, turning my head to the side in curiosity. She looks to me, her eyes practically glinting in wonder.

"So, theoretically, we could go to a police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate" She practically yells in excitement. "I highly doubt that the Hawkins PD have grenades Robin" Steve says in a duh tone.

"Not grenades, but guns" I state positively. "We don't have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns, in my bedroom" Nancy says with a slight smirk on her face. No one who knew Nancy would think she was such a demon killing, gun shooting badass. I really needed to invest in a gun, she has the right idea, I don't know why no one else has one to be fair. It seems silly to fight evil with only our fists.

"You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" Eddie questions and I can see the shock on his face, see no one would believe it. "Full of surprises isn't she" Robin says nervously, practically twitching and convulsing in stress.

Nancy and Steve begin to what I would call flirting but she would call it being friendly. "Hey, watch this" Eddie whispers in my ear but before i could ask what he was doing, he chucked his jacket and Steve's face. I slap a hand over my mouth and bite my lip to stifle my laugh. "For your modesty dude" Eddie says which only makes my eyes water as I hold my laughter in more.

My laughter was cut short when the ground began shaking violently. "Fuck" I scream as my body gets tossed backwards. I feel Eddie wrap his arms around my waist tightly as we both get thrown to the ground. His hold tightens around me as he shuffles back in attempts to pull us away from the falling rocks. "I got you" he whispers in my ear, pulling me closer to him if that were even possible.

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