Chapter 15

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My eyes flutter open and an indescribable pain spreads out in my head. I bring my hands up to my face and I can feel dry flaky blood along with the already prominent bruising.

I sit up and take in my surroundings, I was outside the apartment. I was on the floor outside the apartment and leaning against Eddies van. I looked around but there was no one in sight, not a single person on sound. Everything was still, too still.

Me body screamed in pain as i lifted myself fully from the floor. I take in my appearance and state of my clothes and Eddies shirt, covered in splats of blood and dirt. I turn to face the wing mirror and look at my face, purple bruising circles around my eye and blood covers my cheek and lip. I groan at the state of my face and how people will react when they see me. Other people have it worse so they shouldn't bother worrying about me, I've got it easy compared to some.

Shit, I look around me and darkness sets in the sky. How long was I out for? I need to shower and change before I see Eddie because I won't look as bad as I do when I get all the blood off. I was tired and nauseous but most of all I was still angry, I was in a state of intense fury at my father. It's like for a minute I forgot what happened but now I was beyond angry, I couldn't stop thinking about him and his face and how he beat me senseless.

I run a hand through my bloodied hair in frustration, my body shaking from the aggression I feel in me. I was beyond furious, what does he this he is, he has no fucking right to touch me. He's a coward and a shitty person, he deserves everything he's about to get.

I feel the anger continuing to bubble and to keep myself from punching the shit out of Eddies van so I open up the passenger door and reach into my pocket. I carefully open the bag in attempts to not rip it open. I pour the powder straight on the first flat surface I can find. I pick up a book that was in the footwell of the van, ripping out a page and shaking out the powder onto it.

I use the paper to push it into a rough line, not bothering to take any care in doing so. I rip a small part of the book page and roll it up, putting it in my nose and sniffing over the white line. I tip my head back and sniff once more before slamming the door and getting into the drives side.

Reaching my hand over to the shopping I grab out a cigarette and light it as I drive off. I lower the windows and blare the music, tapping my hands aggressively on the steering wheel. My movements were sharp and aggressive, I was so angry and out of it, erratic could be another word to describe how I was acting.

My eyes were slightly a wide as my pupils doubled in size. The coke didn't stop my anger, it doubled it but made me feel good at the same time, it stopped the hurting and aching of my bruised and frail body. "Whooo" i yell as the next black sabbath song comes on, I pull into the secluded road where Eddies van was parked before.

I yip as i jump out the van pulling out the clothes and shopping with me. I dance still listening to music in my head as I enter the house, dumping all my things on the counter. My brows furrow slightly as I look back at the door that I didn't have to open when I walked in, it was already open. I look around the house for any sign of life but there was nothing, no sound.

Still bouncing around to the imaginary music in my head I open the side door and look outside. I hear loud sounds and yelling coming from the boat house at the back. "The fuck" i mumble to myself, stepping out the door heading over to where the commotion was coming from grabbing the baseball bat that stood, tucked away next to the door.

I swing the door open, allowing it to bang loudly. I hear shocked gasps and flashlights pointing in my direction but I still don't know who was there. "Get the fuck out" i yell walking over to the group of people, the bat raised at my side. I still couldn't see who was there because the flashlights were pointed in my direction.

A round of gasps came from the masculine sounding voices before they lowered their torches. I see Jason and Patrick from the basketball team at my high school holding shocked and worried looks. "What the fuck do you want?" I yell once more in an amused tone, I will beat the shit out of them if they come after Eddie but I'm so high right now that I could be considered dangerous and reckless.

Jason looks at me again before rushing to my side holding out his hands. He takes me by surprise, so I didn't have time to react and he manages to stand a foot away from me. He looked heartbroken and sad, what the fuck is wrong with him. "What happened to you?" He asks and I realise that I am covered in blood, shit.

"Nothing. Fight" i say bluntly shrugging my shoulders and he looks at me like a sad puppy. I shake my head and hold the bat up once more, completely forgetting the fact that they broke in here. "I will ask again, what are you doing here?" I say in an authoritative tone.

He looks at me with a hard expression before responding. "Looking for Eddie Munson" he says aggressively before turning to face me fully once more "have you seen him?" He asks urgently, desperation mixed with anger swimming in his eyes.

"No" it comes out as flat and dismissively as possible. He looks at me quizzically before that urgernt look casts over his face. "Did he do this to you?" He pleads for me to tell him. I scoff loudly and grip the bat tighter. "Fuck no. Munson wouldn't get the chance to touch me before I snapped his wrists" i yell in a protective manner over Eddie but also offended and pissed off that he thinks a teenage fucking boy could beat me in a fight. I know I'm not much a match for a fully grown man that's intoxicated but I could take any teenager without a doubt, no matter their gender.

He eyes me suspiciously before shrugging his shoulders and continuing his search. I was going to get him to leave when a loud splash came from the river in front of us. I push past the two boys and see my curly haired guy attempting to paddle out but failing miserably.

"Eddie man" i mutter slapping my forehead. Couldn't he have just run instead of going on the fucking water. I was too high to have to deal with his pathetic attempt to escape he but of course I was going to help him anyway.

Jason looks to the water and instantly becomes aggressive. "Hey freak!" He yells across the water towards Eddie. "Where do you think you're going" he yells again at Eddie and he tries to paddle faster but that boy really doesn't mix well with water. "You scared of some water! Let's go" he yells to Patrick.

He runs towards the water to swim after Eddie. I run to him and tackle Jason. "He didn't hurt your Chrissy" i say pinning him to the floor. "Get off me" he yells struggling to get out my grasp. "He didn't hurt her" i yell again, trying to convince him that Eddies innocent but he wouldn't listen.

My body was ripped off of his by another strong pair of arms. I flail about kicking who I can only assume is Patrick in the shin causing his to drop me too the floor. "He didn't do it" i yell as Jason gets ready to jump in the water, I watch him wade in and begin swimming after a screaming Eddie.

"Fucking Munson" i mutter to myself as I follow Jason in. The coke was beginning to wear off as my body started to hurt again as I swam vigorously after Jason. "Leave him alone" i yell as I pass Patrick and gain on Jason.

"Hey stay back, man! Stay back!" Eddie screams jabbing the paddle out in defence, like that's going to help. "Come on let's go, we almost have him" Jason screams back at Patrick but he stopped in the middle of the water. I look to him but something doesn't feel right, he looks frozen.

Jason calls out to his friend but he doesn't move, I continue swimming to Eddie not letting my sight leave Patrick's. But the connection was lost when he disappeared under water as if he was pulled down by something. I make my way over to Eddies boat and hold onto the side. Jason continues calling out but Patrick was gone under the water.

Suddenly his body is raised up and out of the water, suspended in the air. My eyes widen in shock, Vecna. No, no, no. Eddie has a similar reaction as me and topples from the other side of the boat and into the water. The snapping of bones ring through the nights air and i tense my body to try and block out the sound as I swim to Eddie but it doesn't work. I grab his hand and look over the boat in time to see his body fall from the air.

I squeeze Eddies hand in reassurance as we begin to swim in the opposite direction. "Come on" i whisper as I pull him with me. He followed behind me and we glided through the water not uttering a word, I don't think I could even speak right now. The way his body snapped, the way that's what almost happened to Max, the fact that Eddie also watched that happen to Chrissy. What has this world come to, murdering innocent children, I don't understand how this is the reality we live in.

Goddamn Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now