Chapter 17

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My eyes flutter open to the sound of birds in the sky. I look at my surroundings and the arm secured around me. I don't know how it's possible that I can sleep around him, that I can close my eyes without screaming and wanting to claw at my skin. It's as if he is my blanket of safety. I protect him physically using brute force and he protects me emotionally with nothing but himself.

We need to talk to the others because we can't stay here and let more teenagers die. We have to do something but first, I need to find a form of communication. I manoeuvre myself out of Eddies hold, careful not to wake him. He looked so peaceful when he slept, well to be fair he always does. I don't understand how people see him as scary and sadistic, if they took one second to really look at him, to look in his eyes, they would know that's not who he is.

I stand from the ground and stretch my limbs but instantly regretting it when it pulls at the sore parts of me body. I sigh and tuck my hair behind my ears and placing my hands on my hips, looking around the woods once more.

Although it's a bad idea, probably the worst idea I've ever had, it's the only way to get in touch with the others. I need to go back to Ricks house. The place could potentially be swarming with cops and cornered off with tape, well it's more than likely considering what happened in there last night.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Jason, only slightly tho as he did try to hurt Eddie, but he lost his girlfriend and then watched his friend die in front of him in the most horrific way. I understand that it's difficult for him, who would believe a boy who watched the whole scene un fold. I didn't like him one bit but I did feel sorry for him, he's lost everything and more.

I hear a light rustling sound and turn back quickly, my body on edge but i relax when I see that it was just Eddie propping himself up from the floor. "Morning" he says with a coy smile on his face. "Hey" i replied walking back over to him and sitting on the ground.

I look at him the same way I did last morning and he can tell as he rolls his eyes. "What is it now?" He groans, knowing he won't like what I'm about to say, especially after what happened last time I left. I smile all innocently at him and then tell him, the calm before the storm right.

"I'm going back to Ricks" i say with a slight shrug but his reaction isn't nearly as nonchalant as mine as his eye widen and he sits upright and faces me. "You can't be serious" he says in utter disbelief. I brush him off and continue, it's the only way to get in touch with the others. "We need to communicate with them, we can't stay here forever Munson" i say light heartedly.

"Nope. No way" he attempts to finish the conversation, not bothering to hear me out. I groan in slight annoyance but I understand where he is coming but going there is a vital part in keeping him and all the other teenagers in Hawkins safe. "I need to go and not only for your well-being but for every other trauma induced teenager in town" i say convincingly.

He doesn't look pleased as he glances away from me and plays with the dry leaves on the ground. "I will be safe okay" i try to convince him but he still won't budge. He looks to me this time but not at my eyes, at the bruising on my face. "That's what you said last time" his voice comes out in a whisper.

"Okay yesterday there was a slight blip in my operation but this time I will be fine" i place my hand over his. "I can outrun any cop" i say proudly and he laughs in agreement. It didn't matter what he said, I was going anyway but I would rather not have to upset him by leaving against his wishes. But again, if it came down to it I would just do it anyway.

He looks at me hesitantly before lying back down and groaning loudly. "Why must you be so stubborn" he groans into his hands. "Sucks for you" i tease and he groans once more in response. He dosent move or speak for a minute until he sits up again and looks at me pointedly. "In and straight back out, if you're gone too long I will come find you" he says like it's his final offer.

Goddamn Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now