Chapter 11

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"No. No way. Not happening" I yell as I move next to Max protectively. "I'm not leaving her side" i demand placing my arm around her. There is no way I'm leaving her alone when she is predicted fucking death. Not happening, not in a million fucking years.

The others being taking and persuading me to stay but I'm not having any of it. "If you don't want me to go, you will have to kill me. Otherwise I'm fucking going" i state, I refuse to listen to anyone. It's just not happening.

I left the others for 20 minutes to go shower and change my clothes, and in the 20 minutes they made the executive decision to fucking leave me here whilst Max potentially dies. I thank the heavens that they didn't leave when I was in the bathroom because I sure as hell know they wanted too.

"Let's go then" Max says as she stalks out the door and towards the car. Everyone began walking out and i stayed behind for one minute. "Hey. I'll be back tonight okay. Ive got to just make sure she gets through the day" i say to Eddie quickly before starting to walk out the door.

"Wait" he shouts and i stop in my place and turn to face him. "Why didn't you want to go to sleep?" He asks quietly and my expression grows confused, he could see that I didn't understand, so he told me how he knew. "Before you passed out, you told me to not let you go to sleep" he said softly, taking a step towards me.

I didn't respond, I didn't even move. I don't remember saying that to him, I don't know why I said that to him. The silence was filled with the honking of Steve's car. "I've got to go. If you hear anyone, don't hesitate to run. I will fight them for you when I get back" is all I say before running out the door and into Steve's car.

"You're in the middle" Dustin calls out from the front seat. I stick my middle finger up at him and run around to the back seat where Lucas was sitting. I opened his door and signalled him to move out so I could sit in the middle of the seat next to Max. "If Vecna messes with you, he messes with all of us" i whisper to her and i see a small smile tug at her lips.

The car journey wasn't too long but the music helped to pass the time but I seriously did need a drink of water or something because I literally had no saliva in my mouth. I would be hungry too but I've gotten to a point where I'm so hungry I don't feel it.

Im not avoiding food as a whole because I don't have a problem with food it's just I haven't had any access to it and I don't want to ask for someone to get me some and be in their way.

"This better be fast, Mayfield" Steve sighs once he pulled up outside her trailer. "Twenty seconds" Max says before she slams the door and jogs up to the trailer. Steve and Dustin began their usual mother and son squabbling session, I just rolled my and looked out the window.

I felt a small tap on my arm and I turned to see Lucas looking at me with an unreadable expression. "Have you got a minute to talk?" He asks signalling that we step outside of the car away from the the two in the front. "Yeah, course" I say opening the door and slamming it shut.

I follow Lucas to the rear of the car and lean against the trunk as I wait for him to talk. "I'm worried about her" he says with a long pause, looking back at the trailer "and you are the only one she talks to anymore" he finishes defeatedly. "It isn't your fault Lucas" i tell him whole heartedly because it wasn't his fault, Max had gone through a traumatic event and she was like me, she didn't talk to anyone about her feelings.

"She's working through this but she knows you are there for her she's just struggling to find the words to talk about it" i say to him in attempts to comfort his broken heart, he really cares about Max and it destroys me to see him like this.

"I'm glad she has you but it was scary that we thought we could have lost you last night" he says looking up at me. "I just went to sleep, it wasn't a big deal" i said shrugging my shoulders, confused about why everyone was so worked up about me just simply passing out.

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