Chapter 26

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We've devised a plan on where to get the weapons for the mission to kill Vecna. Apparently there's a large store called 'War Zone' that pretty much sells everything you could possibly think of for 'killing things' as Eddie put it when he was explaining it. It's just far enough outside of Hawkins to avoid cops and everyone who could be able to recognise us.

"How are we even meant to get there" I ask, it would take all day to get there and back. "Well, sweetheart" Eddie turns to face me and whispers in my ear. "I've got something that we could use that's not technically mine or legal at that" He says towards the rest of the group as he snakes an arm around my waist, pulling me close. I put money on the fact that we're about to rob the shit out of someone.

"Hey red" Eddie calls to Max who stood opposite us. "You got a ski mask or a bandanna, something like that?" He questions. "Something like that" She says as she walks over towards the door of the trailer. "I'll be back in one second" she says as she runs out the door with Lucas following behind her over to her trailer.

"So, who are we about to rob?" I ask as I twirl my finger in one of Eddies curls. He looks at me with a smirk before signalling for me to follow him. "You see that" he says, pointing at an old mobile trailer through the window. "Nice choice" I state with a shrug of my shoulders. "What, you're not fazed?" He questions as if someone like me should be shocked that he was about to nick someone's trailer.

"Trust me, you couldn't surprise me if you tried" I stated with another shrug of my shoulders. To be fair, nothing these days fazes me anymore. He looks down at me with his signature smirk as he begins to put his hands down my jeans. I quickly jerk away from him. "What the hell, not here in front of them" I whisper yell at him in complete shock. "I thought you said 'you couldn't surprise me', because you looked pretty surprised to me" he says with a devilish smile. "Shut up" I whisper as Max walks back into the trailer with a large mask in her hand. "Ready" she says as she throws it at Eddie.

Eddie pulls on the Halloween mask that Max gave him and I let out a snort of laughter, quickly covering my mouth with my hand. "What, do I look that bad?" he voice asks, slightly muffled from the mask. "Yes" I laugh out as he pulls my hand out the trailer door with the others following behind. We run behind Eddie and through the trailer park towards the trailer in question.

He finds an open window and pulls his body through it, I would be lying if I said it wasn't attractive as he so effortlessly pulled himself through it. Everyone followed suit and I waited at the back to help everyone up. Everyone was in now except Dustin. "Need a hand" I ask and he shakes me off, attempting to pull himself through but getting stuck. He wiggles his legs vigorously almost kicking me in the face before groaning and giving up.

"Okay Emmy, I may need some help" he groans out in annoyance. My smile grows wide as I push his legs up and flip him into the van. I turn to Erika who was the only person left. "I don't need any help" she says in her usual sassy tone. "Oh I know you don't, I was just here to help Dustin because I knew he would be one to need help" I say with a small smile as she pulls herself up through the window and I follow suit.

"Dustin your such a nerd" Erika says as she stands up from the sofa. "You needed help as well" Dustin states as i plant my feet on the floor inside the van. "Actually, I didn't help her" I state with a smirk as I walk further into the van to find Eddie hot wiring the trailer. I stand beside Steve, completley transfixed on how he can actually hot-wire a car when Robin comes over and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Eddie, I'm not sure I love the idea of you driving" She says in a worried manner. "Oh I'm just starting this sucker. Harrington got her, don't ya big boy?" He says with a wide grin and i almost piss myself laughing. "Shut up" Steve says as he gives me a jokingly mean look.

Goddamn Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now