Chapter 27

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"That was so not funny Emmy" he says, clutching his chest. I shrug my shoulders with an amused smile as i look to Eddie who was laying on the sofa with a dimpled grin. "Just let us in we've got to go. Now" He shouts as the others begin to pile in. "What happened?" I ask with wide eyes as Eddie rushes to my side.

"Jason and his friends are here" Erika shouts as they all begin to sit down in their seats. "Sit down, I'll get the door" I say to Eddie as I run to slam the door shut as the others begin screaming for Steve to drive. My eyes dart towards the closed window and I take a small step towards it, pulling the blind to the side slightly. And there he was, Jason and his basketball friends all in their jerseys. "Shit" i whisper out as i let go of the blind and sit back down on the sofa.

"Did you get the weapons and shit though" I say towards the group of heavy breathing teens. "Yeah... we got it" Dustin says breathlessly, shaking his head at the whole ordeal. "Good" i state as I lean my head against the sofa and let my eyes close.

Exhaustion had fully hit me, the adrenaline and the orgasm, I'm surprised I was still up. As my eyes closed I felt a calloused hand wrap around my nimble fingers. I could tell by the feel of his hand that it was Munson's so I gripped it in return and let myself fall asleep.

Sleep came easy, it wasn't peaceful to a certain extent but it wasn't bad. Past memories floated into my head but the worst part of all is that I dreamt of what would happen when we went back into the upside down. I begged my mind to be wrong, I couldn't lose my family, I don't think I would be able to survive if they died.

Flashes of everyone I care about appeared in my mind, covered in blood, gasping for breath. Their last words escaping their lips as the light begins to leave their eyes.

I jolt awake from my sleep, sitting upright and checking out my surroundings. All eyes were on me with worried glances. I felt Eddies hand squeeze mine and I turned my attention back to him. "Are you okay?" He asked in a worried tone, whilst searching my expression to check that I am okay.

I take a secretive deep breath and relax back into the sofa. I look around everyone in the RV, their bored and tired faces and a smile tugs at my lips because for the moment, there all okay, each and everyone of them.

"Alright kids, we're here" Steve yells in a sing song voice from the front of the bus as he pulls into a field. "Come on children, it's time to prepare for battle" i state as i jump from my position and grab a metal pole from besides me, holding it like a sword. "Come thee galient soldiers" i yell with a big grin plastered on my face, causing the others to break out in a wide smile.

I head off the RV, passing Steve as I go. "Is this more Lord of the Rings shit" he says in a huff. "I'm just preparing us for battle, so no, not Lord of the Rings related" I say with a smile and a roll of my eyes. "Hurry up" I yell behind me as i jump out into the open field. The others begin to make large clanking noises as they exit the stolen vehicle. They carry out metal bin lids, guns, alcohol, hammers, saws and god knows what else.

I stand leant up against the RV as I watch the others prepare their weapons in clusters of two. Max watched as Nancy sawed off the front of her gun which was totally illegal but completely badass. Robin stayed with Steve as they filled up bottles of flammable fluid and stuck material at the top. Erika and Lucas sat together on deck chairs wrapping knives onto sticks, engrossed in a deep sibling conversation.

And then there was Eddie and Dustin, hammering nails into metal trash can lids. I smiled as I watch the brother duo put down the lids and start fighting around.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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