I can trust someone like you

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I had to tell Knight, besides, keeping it back for too long will probably will end out terribly. I take Knight to the side a month before Thor's coronation. Knight looks at me, puzzled, as to why I took her to a private place near the castle. It is getting dark out.

"What is it?" Knight asks.

"I...forgot to tell you something." I said.

Knight raises a brow.

"Something?" Knight repeats. "What kind of something are you talking about?"

"Bed time stories," I said. "Which one of them stand out to you?"

"The winter gear one," Knight said.

"...I never heard of the winter gear one," I said.

"Well," Knight said. "It teaches a lesson to be ready in winter, especially when visiting Jotunheim."

"Knight," I said. "I am a Frost Giant."

Knight blinks, absorbing the information, and then she looks confused.

"You look Asgardian," Knight said, taking a good look at me. "How can you be a Frost Giant?"

I willingly change before Knight.

Knight pinches her skin, rubs her eyes, and then takes a double look at me.

"You look better than the average Frost Giant," Knight said. "Blue looks good on you." My Frost Giant half went away. "Who else knows you are a Frost Giant?"

"Frigga,Odin, and Thor." I said. "I am not an Odinson."

Knight's face turns into a 'what kind of joke are you pulling on me?' kind of one.

"Excuse me?" Knight asks.

"I am not an Odinson," I repeat.

"That is a load of crap," Knight said. "You live among the royals and have been referred to as...part of the family."

"Knight," I said, taking her hand. "My real father is Laufey."

"...Pardon?" Knight asks, dumbfounded by the news yet she looks a little comforted.

"My last name isn't Odinson," I said, reluctantly. I let go of her hand. "It is Laufeyson."

"Loki, this is...unexpected." Knight said. She tilts her head. "Is there a reason why?"

"I can trust someone like you to know," I said. Knight straightens her head. "Except you and the royal family; the people of Asgard don't know what I am."

"What you are does not change who you are, Loki." Knight said. "You are the same man I have known since I was a little girl." She feels alongside my cheek, softly, not rough. "You being a Frost Giant doesn't matter. What matters to me is knowing the prince I have fallen for."

Knight accepts me for who I am.

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