Hearing what you want to hear

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I came into the snowy and throne like room except lacking support walls, a long carpet, windows draped by curtains, and a beautiful scenery. I stop in the middle of the clearing. The faint shapes of figures in the background brought doubt but overall awareness.

"Laufey," I said. "I know you are here."

The top of the cliff appears Laufey.

"Nice to see you finally come," Laufey said. "My son."

"I am not your son," I said, with a growl. "I am the son of Odin."

Laufey laughs.

"If that is what you want to believe, traitor of Asgard," Laufey said.

My anger became heated.

"That was a long time ago," I said. "To you, it is business we have never discussed."

"And you changed time," Laufey said. "I only remembered your very arrangement a month ago." Several of his men appear below the rocky structure sending glares at me. "You know...I do not take backstabbers lightly."

I narrow my eye towards Laufey.

"So what are you going to do?" I ask. "Sass me out?"

"No," Laufey said. "I just want to give someone answers who orcestrated this attack on the vault. You know...Loki,there is something you do not know about that coronation."

"I know everything about the coronation," I said.

Laufey smile.

"Thor is your spare," Laufey said.

"What?" I said, staring at Laufey. "If anything; I am his emergency spare. The one that drags him out; not in."

"You changed time." I heard a familiar voice. "For Knight?"

I dread for who is behind me.

I must be dreaming. It has to be.

"Go on," Laufey said. "Face him."

I turn towards the source of the voice behind me

It is Thor.

ust without the hammer.

"Answer me, Loki." Thor said. "You fell for a mortal?"

I look over to Laufey.

"I don't know know he knows that," Laufey said.

I look towards Thor.

"I did not intend for Knight to become immortal," I said. "I only changed time so I never met Knight at all!"

"What is her real name?" Thor asks, stepping forward.

"It depends on which name you refer to," I said.

Thor's facial reaction is anger.

"The one she lived by," Thor said.

"Ivy," I said. "And she lived by taking pills everyday. Once a day."

"Loki," Thor said. "You grew soft for a mortal relying on medicine to live?" He looks at me, disgusted, not all the Thor I had known. Thor is mad,for sure. "What spell has she put you under?"

"None," I said. "The Knight I knew never—"

"Never what?" Thor asks. "Grew up on Asgard? Is that why you changed time?"

"For your information," I said. "I am not the one who changed time!" I raise my voice. "It was Scarlet! I wanted to not be the cause of so much death, again, because of my mistakes." I point to myself. "And knowing those who died makes it harder to stand living in a timeline where it happened!"

"You fell for a mortal," Thor said.

"She is now immortal," I said. "Which is some form of amusing irony, I believe."

"How could you?" Thor asks. "How could you organize such a attack on the vault?"

Thor steps back.

"That was before I met Knight," I said.

"Do whatever you will," Thor said. "To the people of Asgard, you died by the hands of a Frost Giant." Thor looks up towards the sky. "Heimdall, take me back!"

Thor is gone in a bright yellow flash.

What?, I thought dumbfounded, what did Thor mean by that?

I suddenly feel like someone hit me at the back of the head then fell over landing on the grounding feeling a part of my skull aching. Wait, there can only be one explanation for this whole act. Thor had already decided to visit Jotunheim. Laufey ad explained to him, everything. Thor had expected me to go off and face Laufey.

Thor expected me to tell Heimdall not to bring me back from Jotunheim.

Thor expected everything.

I am quite alive.

I feel pain in my legs seeing other Frost Giants surrounding me. The pain is dire, morbid, and stinging. I half wanted to end the pain there by using the magic of 'painnuliffy'. Painnuliffy means to mute the pain. No longer a bother but it required emotion to be sacrificed and I barely trust such a spell. Why did I cast a spell on myself for Heimdall not to spot my presence? Why I am more stupid than Thor at this point. I can hear something breaking including cracks while laid on the hard concrete ground. I felt pinned to the ground by overwhelming weight.

Thor, whatever happened to you?

I blacked out right then.

This is a strange new timeline.

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