Nothing goes our way

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Everything felt like a dream, as though it really is not happening. My dream came to Thor's coronation except I am not there. The loud closing of a door caught everyone's attention towards a young Asgardian woman holding what seems to be a pair of wrapped up blankets.

I recognize the woman.

She is Knight.

Everyone is pinching their nose except for the royals.

"What is in those blankets?" Odin asks.

"Proof that your son has lied," Knight said. "To everyone."

Thor did not seem too pleased.

"No, I have not lied," Thor said. "And she carries a terrible stench."

"Perhaps you can explain what my son has lied about," Odin said. "And why you bring in unpleasant smell to the throne room."

Knight clears her throat.

"Loki," Knight said. "I have seen Loki alive for myself, but...I have his legs wrapped in these blankets." There is a collective sound of disgust. "You are smelling Loki's legs."

"Then where is Loki?" Odin asks.

Frigga looks over towards Thor at least visibly puzzled about the circumstance.

"Midgard," Knight said. "Loki is recovering from what Thor left him to! Thor told me."

I awake on a couch feeling something around my neck. I take it off to see it is a neck brace. My back feels achy and sore from healing whatever damage had been inflicted by the amount of weight left by the Frost Giants. Was the dream real or a figment of my imagination? Knight,crashing a coronation, that seems bazaar.

I look down to see what is left of my legs, apparently stubs, wrapped up.

"My legs..." I said, staring at the stump

"Jaaanne," A young woman's voice drew my attention. "Why is there a hot pale guy on your couch?"

I look over the couch seeing a young woman holding a small machine being square in her hands gawking at me in shock. The young woman had on glasses with square shaped lens.

"Oh," Another young woman's voice came from the doorway. "That is Loki."

It took me a while to recognize Darcy and Jane.

I nearly forgot the previous timeline, how great.

"Loki who?" Darcy asks.

"Odinson," I said. "And you are Jane's co-worker."

Jane came in holding a bag of groceries.

"I just met you," Jane said.

"Well," I said. "I only know you because of the pictures and..." It felt strange to see the woman who had slapped me in the previous timeline not giving a care or something about my presence. "This still doesn't feel right."

"Jo told him," Jane said.

"Jo who?" Darcy asks,tilting her head.

"Jo the woman who gave you a replaced music player," Jane said. "It didn't need batteries, ring a bell?"

Darcy straightens her head.

"Oooh," Darcy said. "I remember."

"I still can't believe I am in the house of Jane Foster," I said.

"...Jo can't possibly have told you my last name," Jane said, looking at me strangely.

I smile at Jane's perplexed reaction.

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