Questions galore!

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I really tried to make Thor not go to Jotunheim. Unlike my previous efforts in the other timeline at that time I did; this is far more effort. But despite my attempts Thor and his friends decided to go straight to Jotunheim. Some one had to make sure they did not die. It could be a ambush for all I knew.

"Loki, where is the Asgardian trio going?" Knight asks.

I turn around seeing Knight puzzled standing by the door leading to the stable.

What I have learned about Knight so far is that she can get anywhere without making a sound similar to a skilled ninja on Midgard. That is partially how we met in the peak to teenage hood. I met Knight when I least expected a living soul at a crashed landing of a strange spacecraft. The spacecraft by then had been covered by wooden spikes reminding strongly of thorny trees contrasting out between a vibrant green field of grass.

"To Jotunheim," I said. "If you can..." I tap my fingers together. "I might have broken Jo's twin blades after borrowing them."

Knight looks at me in shock.

"You borrowed her twin blades?" Knight asks.

"I did," I said, with a nod.

"And you broke them," Knight said.

"To prove a point to Thor," I said.

"Let me guess; no two weapons can share the same power." Knight said.

"No," I said. "Thor believed Jo's blades can become merged and become a great weapon." Knight's face changes to a 'no wonder' reaction. "I do not know who convinced him of that...but please; replace them for me."

"I will," Knight said, nodding.

I take Knight's hand.

"You do know," I said. "I love you, no matter what happens, right?"

"I do," Knight said. "No matter what mess you get into."

Knight made me smile.

I let go of Knight's hand.

I walk past Knight right into the stables believing the immature attack on Jotunheim is not going to end out the same way. I forgot to mention the Frost Giant in the vault was killed as even without legs he can still hurt others. I do not know how Laufey can remember a timeline he never lived through beyond Thor's return to Asgard.

The Frost Giant did not lie when spoke of such.

We left the horses at the gate to the Bifrost.

"I heard a Frost Giant was saying about memories," Fandral said. "Did you meddle with memories?"

"No," I lied. "I am not accustomed to those spells. Never used them," I pat on the side of my horse. "I do not see how useful they are. He was wounded and recently against the wall. By that time he would accuse anyone of anything."

Thor knocks on the door.

As I recall, Heimdall in the previous timeline had been outside the doors trying to figure out how anyone could have used the Bifrost to enter Asgard from Jotunheim. It seems they did not use the Bifrost to enter the realm in the first place.

The door opens.

"What brings you here?" Heimdall asks.

"Jotunheim," Thor said. "We have some business there."

Heimdall looks over to me, skeptical at first, and then over towards Thor.

"Is this relating to the attack on the vault?" Heimdall asks.

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