Knight's perspective - Crashing a coronation

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Normally crashing a coronation is frowned upon unless it were for emergencies.

This counts as one.

The surroundings changed from the mountains of Jotunheim to the inside of the Bifrost building. Heimdall is holding a stop watch in one hand leaning against his sword insert into the large keyhole to the Bifrost. Heimdall looks up from the stopwatch towards me.

"Eighteen minutes," Heimdall said, clicking the top of the stopwatch. "And you have not come back with..." Heimdall glances to both of my sides using his eyes. Heimdall raises a brow up. Then he pinches his nose. "Where is the other Asgardian I sent with you?"

"Jo will be back, soon," I said. Heimdall lowers his brow. "I am not making the smell; that is the legs."

Heimdall looks down towards my legs.

"Not my legs," I said,rolling an eye. "I am holding the proof in my arms."

"Out," Heimdall said. "Before it sickens me." I walk towards the door. "The Coronation has resumed."

I stop in my tracks.

"Did they start over?" I ask.

"Yes," Heimdall said, nodding.

"Good," I said. "Plenty of time!"

I rush out the doors to the outside.

The bridge is so far from the city. The plenty of time I am referring to is '30 minutes' but having to walk will make my travel 43 minutes. I wonder why I did not ride a horse to the Bifrost. I notice there is not a horse except for Heimdall's tied to the usual horse stop post. How did I not notice Jo had been following me? I look down scratching my head thinking back.

I hear a snort.

I take my hand out of my hair and look up to see a huge animal with antlers set apart enough a human being could have hitched a ride on them. I almost mistook the animal for a moose for a moment there because of the antlers then realize this is a elk. It is strange because elks are not usually bigger than they are in Midgard.

The elk pats his left hoof on the ground.

The elk turns to the side and lowers himself to the ground.

"You are not a horse," I said.

The elk makes a hollow whistle turning his head towards the castle.

"You understand English?" I ask.

The elk turns his head back towards me and gave a ugly glare.

I never seen a elk make such a bad glare.

"Did Loki make you?" I ask.

The elk shook his head.

"Are you a shapeshifter?" I ask.

The elk shook his head, again.

"Can you speak?" I ask.

The elk glares at me.

"Oh," I said. "You can't."

Thanks to bringing a large backpack that keeps everything in place I can keep my proof from getting lost. I put the wrapped up legs into the backpack—which might be considered magical for Midgardians when it seems bigger by the inside—then close the backpack and put the backpack straps around my shoulders.

I get on the elk's back.

The elk stands upright turning away from the Bifrost building making a grunt. He pats on the pavement with his left hoof. Then the elk speeds across the bridge running fast for a large elk his size. I hang on to the elk feeling the wind go through my hair. The elk leaps over some left behind items on the ground in a way best compared to a well trained stallion. The unusual elk is not of any kind of realm, I believe, because of his strangely personified characteristics not normal for a elk.

In 23 minutes the elk made it to the castle.

Still, this is one fast elk.

The elk comes to a halt five feet from the door to the castle. The elk kneels down towards the ground. I get off the elk's back landing on the pavement feet first. I get my bearings together.

"Thank you, unusual—" I start to say, turning towards the elk.

The elk is gone.

"...elk." I finish.

I take the backpack off my shoulders, unbutton it, then take out the wrapped up legs. I drop the backpack to the side of the door. Doing a major interruption during a coronation is normally frowned upon except for cases of emergencies and this counts as one of them. I open the left door with my free left hand then walk into the castle letting go of the handle.

Thor is going to hate me for this.

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