There is no one else like you,Knight

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I had been told by Odin that Knight and Thor had a conflict. A conflict Odin couldn't very well explain because he did not know everything in what lead to Thor's sudden change of heart. Frigga feared the worst for Thor and she cried in her chambers. I didn't want to believe Thor suffered my fate. I wanted to believe what Frigga did.

So I did.

When I had my legs back, I went to the destroyed rainbow bridge.

No one in the kingdom knew how Knight got her hand into the keyhole.

But perhaps Heimdall knows.

"I knew you would come," Heimdall said, standing guard at where he used to stand inside.

I walk over.

"What happened to Knight?" I ask.

"Depends what you last saw her doing," Heimdall said.

"She had her hand in the hole," I said.

Heimdall smiles turning his head towards me.

"She is in the Bifrost," Heimdall said.

"But the Bifrost is destroyed," I said. "I saw it."

"What I mean is, Loki, she is connected to it." Heimdall said. "Her solid body is, well, we say is not there because of the explosion. She is still alive but part of the Bifrost. Knight may be here, to her, but to us she is not there."

"So...Knight is alive," I said, feeling relief.

"Yes," Heimdall said. "She might be anywhere,or, everywhere."

"Loki," I heard Knight's voice. "Was Thor telling the truth?"

"Yes," I said.

"Hm?" Heimdall asks, raising a brow. "What are you saying yes to?"

"Knight," I said. "But...I hear her and you don't."

"You have a connection with Knight," Heimdall said. "A soul kind of one."

I look over.

"Tell me you don't know about soulmates," Heimdall said.

"...I forgot about it." I said.

It made sense why I felt those feelings. They are Knight's feelings. I saw Knight's figure outlined in faint blue smoke standing beside me.

"I remember," Knight said, but she is not angry. "I remember now. But you must not call me Ivy," She held her up index finger. "You know how allergic I am to poison ivy."

I remember that one night she went camping on Midgard and came back with a bad allergic reaction.

I nod to Knight.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"Here," Knight said, putting one transparent hand swirling in blue smoke on my chest. "I always have." She looks over to Heimdall and then back to me. "I did it for you...To bring you back. But ending out this way was an accident."

"Knight put her hand in the sword hole," Heimdall said.

"Yes," I said.

"Thor must have done something to make it unstable," Heimdall said.

"He used his hammer on the portal," Knight said. "He destroyed it and while he did...a sensitive part of the Bifrost opened. My hand..." She held up her right hand off my chest. I saw a hole right through it in the shape of a circle. "I am not proud of it but I tried to catch one of those diamonds and blood fell in. It fell into the hole, the hole widened, and I accidentally slipped and fell. My hand landed in there."

Diamonds?, I thought, I don't remember diamonds in there.

"I only realized my hand was keeping the Bifrost together and operating when I heard you," Knight said. "Then I knew." I feel touched. "I had to make sure the man I've fallen for unconditionally made it back home."

"Thor broke the entrance to the portal," I said.

"Now it makes sense," Heimdall said, with a nod. "But getting Knight out, once repairing the Bifrost, is not going to be easy."

"How long?" I ask.

"Repairing the bifrost?" Heimdall asks.

"Yes," I said.

"Years," Heimdall said.

I remember the Tesseract.

I turn towards Knight.

"I can wait," Knight said. "I have all the time in the world for you, Loki."

"I can, too." I said. "There is no one else like you,Knight."

"I have to go," Knight said, our fingers had intertwined. She slowly, but reluctantly, slips her fingers out of my hand. "Don't worry about Thor." Why is that alarming? "Jo...sort of got stranded on Midgard."

"What do you mean don't worry about him?" I ask.

"You'll see," Knight said. "He'll be okay. Just...a little bitter."

Knight fades from my sight.

"Am I going to see you again?" I ask.

"You can," Knight said. "When I have all my strength back from today...I'll miss you."

I wanted to grab Knight into my arms, hug her tightly, and not let Knight go.

Knight disappears before my eyes into the dark night.

"Using the power of the Bifrost to appear can be straining," Heimdall said. "But she handled it quite well for a Asgardian."

I turn towards Heimdall.

"That's my fiancee," I said. "She has always been a tough cookie."

The End.

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A/N How do you think this turned out, LoKnight shippers?

Sequel is 'Mischief and Hope'! . It is in the external link. Keep on being awesome and thank you for hanging on! <3

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