Knight's perspective - A mission in Jotunheim

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"Odin does not want anyone going to Jotunheim at this time," Heimdall said.

"What if I told you Loki is alive?" I ask.

"Loki is dead," Heimdall said. "I have not been able to see his presence."

"What about the other timelines?" I ask. "Is he alive in them?"

"Yes," Heimdall said.

"After visiting Jotunheim?" I ask.

"Yes," Heimdall said.

I smile.

"Then surely he is alive," I said,I held up my left hand. "We are engaged."

Heimdall is shocked.

"You're...engaged?" Heimdall asks.

"Yes," I said. "With Loki." I wiggle my engagement finger. "I can feel his pain. We're soulmates."

"That is a shock," Heimdall said.

"Why is it so shocking?" I ask. "It is not a surprise really."

"You are the Asgardian who crashed a spaceship and made a name for herself summoning spikes conveniently," Heimdall said. "I was there to see your childhood mess."

I smile, sheepishly.

"My bad," I said. "Please, send me there."

"Loki also told me you might come," Heimdall said.

I raise a brow.

"So?" I ask.

"No," Heimdall said.

"Send me there," I said. "If I do not come back with Loki in 20 minutes then you are right and I am wrong. You can also teleport me back to Asgard if I am not calling by 20 minutes."

"I heard there is a rescue mission for a dead man going on," Jo's voice came from the door.

I look over my shoulder seeing a prepared Jo with her twin long swords.

"Jo," I said. "Thor told you?"

"No," Jo said. "I saw and heard your...strange discussion when nearby. I like to kick the ass of some rough Frost Giants."

"Let's go then," I said.

Heimdall sent us to Jotunheim but I mostly think he was more confident about my promise when Jo had come in. The pain in my legs, or more like Loki's legs, has subsided. I do not always rely on my spikes to show up when embarking on what is a dangerous mission. Jo gave me the stop handsign when we came to a frosty cave.

"I hear them," Jo said. "We have to be silent."

I nod.

"I am good with silence," I said.

Jo raises her left brow.

"...And they're talking about legs," Jo said. "They..." She covers her mouth. "Oh my Asgard."

"What?" I ask, in a low voice.

Jo uncovers her mouth looking sick.

"Let's say Loki is out cold and he doesn't have legs." Jo said.

I frown.

"That is sickening," I said, in a lower voice. "We have to go in right now—"

Jo stops me putting one hand on my shoulder.

"Listen Knighty," Jo said. "Don't try to be the hero; we have to figure out what our plan is."

I pause.

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