Knight's perspective - Thor,where is Loki?

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I had been requested to visit the castle.

I came to the door only to find Thor standing by appearing to be gloomy and bearer of news normally not heard. I stop seeing Thor's face. Thor looks up, at first surprised by my quick arrival, and then it turns into a bright kind of expression.

"Hello Knight," Thor said.

"Thor," I said. "Where is Loki?"

Thor's face turns into a grim kind of one.

"I am sorry," Thor said, apologetically. "One of the Frost Giants killed him when we went to pay Laufey a visit."

A strong gut feeling screams 'No!'.

"No..." I said. "How can..."

"I came back and one of Laufey's men was about to kill me when Loki, however heroically, came in then began helping me out." Thor explains. He seems to be enjoying telling me bad news. Why? Why Thor? You wouldn't be happy telling bad news when it involves your brother. "I lost my hammer, briefly, during the fight. Loki reasoned to me dealing with Laufey alone was his choice to find out what was happening." Thor lowers his head. "Sadly he was given a fatal grave wound..."

No, that can't be right.

Thor lifts his head up towards me.

"Before Loki died, he told me to tell you something." Thor said.

"What?" I ask.

"Ivy," Thor said.

I frown.

"Uh," I said. "As in the plant?" I fold my arms. "No way Loki would say that!"

"He did," Thor said. "And he told me you two were in a relationship."

"Are," I correct Thor. I unfold my arms. "I am allergic to poison ivy; Loki knows how I hate the mention of that name. My allergic reaction was terrible when we went camping on Midgard." I feel deep bitterness towards Thor. "One more time; where is Loki?"

"I buried his body in Jotunheim," Thor said. Thor has a small intentional pause. "Before..."

"Before what?" I ask.

"I made it into water," Thor said. "With his body becoming nothing but rock."

"Thor," I said. "Your magic is not that sufficient." My hands ball up into fists. "Stop it."

"It is the truth," Thor said, acting honest. "And Loki wanted me to tell you 'I love you'."

I step back.

"Loki already told me that before he left." I said. "You think he knows I have heard those words out of his mouth. Think; if he did that and then requested someone else to say it again, that is really redundant."

Thor nods, agreeing with me.

"Yes, it is." Thor said.

"That is pointless," I said. "So much pointless I cannot possibly extend into books. Oh wait!" I tap on my chin. "I can make scrolls of it, perhaps an essay or two about last words."

"Well," Thor said. "I am going to be crowned king in a couple hours; would you want to pay respects for his vigil?"

"Loki is alive," I said, in denial. "The only vigil I will never visit is yours."

I start to turn away but Thor caught me by the arm.

"Not all Frost Giants are soft, Ivy." Thor said.

"Call me that one more time," I said in anger.

The memory of my swollen and red face became fresh in my memory.

"That is your real name," Thor said. "You took pills everyday, every morning, because your brain has a problem and is land of waste." The words hurt more than acid. "Knight, you are not suppose to be on Asgard." My blood began to boil in a way I never really felt before. "You never were meant to be Asgardian. Loki fell for you when you were a mortal. A mortal. Loki made a mess and tried to fix it. You are a mistake. Your real life is that of a mortal, Ivy of Midgard."

My arm became coated in spikes so Thor lets go staggering back covering his hand.

I slap Thor.

"Don't you dare say that name," I said. "Don't you ever call me that again. I dare not it again and I will go find Loki if it is the last thing I have to do."

"Your death," Thor said. "I suppose my problem would be gone."

"You..." I said. "Imbecile."

Thor smiles even with red dots along his cheek.

Why the hell do you smile at a insult?

"Goodbye," Thor said. "At least you might join him."

I turn away then begin heading my way to the Bifrost.

One way or another I am going to be tugging Loki out of Jotunheim. My legs feel terrible as though someone had decided to slap some form of torment cruelly wrapped around a metal stick into my knees. Regardless of my pain I went on. Maybe this is not my pain. This is not my pain. This might be Loki's pain. But how can I feel his pain?

I have learned when some one is very close to another person; they can feel the others pain when thousand of miles away. I heard a story of a mortal couple separated by various realms. These couple had been separated when they were sixty-two years old by the hands of Dark Elves. The man and woman both went through hardships that no human should go through yet they felt each others pain not the ones they should be feeling by whatever had been inflicted on them. Eventually they were reunited in their late ninety's—they looked good for their age, remarkably young enough to be forty—then returned to their realm Midgard for the rest of their lives.

I am coming for you, Loki.

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