i. undiscovered acquaintances

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"On your left." She said as she passed a man also going for a morning run in Central Park.

She kept on running until she decided to stop. Feeling parched, Nikita went to a nearby cafe, ironically named 'Central Perk' and got a drink. As she exited the cafe to make her way home, she felt an incessant buzz in her right pocket. Realising that someone was calling her, she picked it up and was met with an unexpected voice.

"Hello, dear sister." Said the man with a smooth tone.

After the events of Mystic Falls, none of her siblings have contacted her nor has she contacted them. Although she misses them dearly, Nikita could not afford anymore losses due to the multitude of threats directed at her family. Especially not after Kol.

"Elijah. How did you get this number?" Nikita replied.

"I have my sources." Answered the younger brother.

"Of course you do. What is it you want, brother?" She said with exasperation in her voice.

"It appears Niklaus has once again gotten himself into quite the predicament."

"Great heavens, what did that numpty do this time?" 

"Our brother seems to have wandered into a war zone and I haven't been able to find him. Marcel, who Klaus has sired-"

"Right, hold on for a moment. Marcel, the vampire, Marcel?"


"You mean to tell me after all these years, Marcel is alive and well?"

"And prospering. He seems to have the witches in New Orleans held in subjugation with his menagerie of untamed vampires, executing in public for anyone to find."

"So? What does this have to do with me?"

"Always and Forever, Nikita. That is what we once swore to each other."

"I know very well about that, Elijah. I was the one who made that bloody promise in the first place and look where it's gotten me now."

"I believe Niklaus is in trouble. Whatever's going on with Marcel and the witches, it's dire enough they'd risk bringing an original back to town. The witches have lured him here. I'd like to know why and I could do with the assistance of my favourite sister."

"Flattery will get you nowhere. Look, I know that you want my help but you don't bloody well need it. I'm sorry, Elijah, but I'm afraid this problem is all yours."

"Of course, I understand."

With that, their conversation came to a close and Nikita had finally reached her apartment. 

Once inside, Nikita took off her shoes and headed to have a quick shower. After that, she decided to kick back with a champagne in hand and relax. Only she doesn't get a chance to do that, as she spotted a card encased in glass in her fireplace. 

Curiously, she walked towards the card. Taking a closer look, she realised that it was a tarot card with a tower on the front and an eye with an address on the back.


The Tower

March 29
4:44 PM
45 East Evan Street

Knowing what this meant, she muttered under her breath,

"Finally," With a mischievous grin.

A/N: The first chapter is finished. Full disclosure, I am doing this solely for fun. I really don't expect so much as 10 people to read this. I just realised there weren't any to/nysm crossovers so i decided to take things into my own hands. So, if you are reading this, thank you for considering my book. Hope you enjoy, my darlings!

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