xi. big reveal

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The entire team burst out laughing, even despite their sleepy manner,  their cackles and howls filled up the otherwise silent hotel room. Even Daniel's cold facade melted as he shook with laughter. That stopped, however, when they saw Nikita's serious demeanour. A frown on her face and a pout on her lips as she saw how they dismissed her so quickly. Although, she wasn't fazed. Even she herself would find the fact ridiculous if she wasn't a hybrid herself.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Nikita was surprised at Merritt's sudden hostile tone. Normally, he would be the one to stay calm in situations like this. 

"I apologise for not informing you all sooner-" She was cut off by the sound of Jack's chair scraping the hotel room's floor and exiting her room. The door slammed and the walls shook at the sheer strength he used to close the door. Nikita hesitated to run after him. Henley caught onto her hesitation and nodded her head slightly, telling her to go to Jack.

"Will you be alright?"

"Go." Henley urged with finality.

Without a pause, Nikita speeded to where Jack was. He flinched at her sudden appearance and it was the following words he said that broke her heart,

"Stay away from me."

Nikita felt her heart shatter, her eyes brimming with tears. She walked forward, as Jack went back, their actions resembling magnets with like poles, rejecting each other. As he was reversing, Jack tripped and scraped his hand on the rough pavement. He raised his hand to look at it, in doing so, revealing blood. This awoke a primal hunger in Nikita. She hadn't fed from a fresh source in months, not wanting to release the monster in her that could potentially lead to her teammates', whom she had grown to adore, demise.

The veins protruding from her skin and the fangs from her mouth exposed themselves to Jack as she let out a small hiss. This only further added to his fear of her. She couldn't control herself. She ran away leaving Jack on the ground still in shock at what just happened.

To her misfortune, Nikita ran into a passerby who looked very delicious at the moment. She couldn't hold it in anymore. That night, New Orleans suffered the deaths of 80 people, both citizens and tourists. 

Although, that didn't matter to Nikita anymore, now that she had turned it off.

The next morning, Nikita found herself in bed, in an unknown hotel room, with the body of a dead man she had drunk dry next to her. The phone suddenly rang, she didn't bother checking who it was, she declined immediately. It rang again. She declined. Five minutes passed by and again, it rang. She finally picked it up, putting her phone to her ear.

"Finally, Ma. Where the hell have you been? I've been calling you the past ten minutes!" Marcel's loud voice filled her ears.

"Why are you calling me so bloody early in the  morning?" Her voice was hoarse, like she had just woken from a drunken night out.

"Early in the morning? What? Ma, it's 11 o'clock. What's going on?"


"Look, Ma, we just found 80 bodies drained of blood. There might be a new vamp in the Quarter. I have my guys lookin' out for 'em. Y'know who it might be?

"You're talking to them, darling."

"What- Oh Ma, oh no no no no no. What did you do?"

"I turned it off."

"What no-"

"Buh-bye now," Nikita didn't let her son finish as she hung up the phone.

She recalled the events last night and her lips rose to form a smirk. She had this crazed look in her eyes. She got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she finished, she called one of her friends, one she hasn't contacted in years. The phone dialled, it started ringing and he finally picked up,

"Well, well, to what do i owe the pleasure."

"I just thought you'd like to know, I'm finally free, and I'm ready to have some fun."

"It would be my absolute honor."

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