vii. unknown contacts

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Nikita's phone rang, showing an unknown number. She was sitting in the living room, waiting for the police to show up. Leaving to answer the phone, she didn't notice Jack's curious look. She answered the phone, although reluctantly.


"Quite a performance that was, sister." Came a condescending voice.

"Nik." Nikita replied with a grave tone, not sounding pleased.

"Well, don't sound too happy to hear me." Niklaus replied sarcastically.

"What do you want, Nik?"

"I just want to see how my wonderful sister is doing. Tell me, are you enjoying the new life, what with being a celebrity and all." He said in a playful tone.

"Out with it."

Although, Nikita could not see, his face softened, so did his voice. "I'm having a baby."

"What?" Her tone was calm, not yet realising what he meant.

"I'm having a baby." He repeated.

"What?" She still couldn't comprehend the situation.

"Oh, for goodness sake, Nikki, how many times am i going to have to repeat myself?" 

"I heard what you said, I'm still processing."

"... So?"

"So what?"

"So... What do you think?"


Klaus was anxious as he waited for her reply. Nikita's approval meant a lot to him. She was the authority figure in his life. In all the siblings' lives actually. She protected them and she defended them when they needed her, even Finn. She mostly doted over Kol and Niklaus though, but she loved them all the same.

"I think it's bloody brilliant is what i think! This is amazing, Niklaus! You're going to be a father! I'm going to be an aunt! Oh, I'm going to be an aunt... I'm not ready to be an aunt. I think I should sit down for a moment. "

The younger brother chuckled at her overwhelmed demeanour. Nikita was rarely like this, she always kept her calm and composure. She rarely felt overwhelmed because, well what is there to be overwhelmed about when you've seen all the world has to offer.

"I love you, sister." Niklaus bid farewell with a beaming smile on his face, pleased at his sister's reaction.

"Love you too." She answered automatically, dazed. Nikita hadn't really heard what he said, still stuck in her own head.

Niklaus left his sister to deal with her own thoughts.

"I'm going to be an aunt..." She whispered to herself.

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