x. uncovered secrets

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Daniel felt discombobulated at the conversation he just heard. What did she mean by 'turned'? And she apparently has a son? He was angry she hadn't disclosed this information to them yet, and surprisingly, somewhat hurt that she didn't trust them with said information.

He was currently sitting in her room, waiting for her to come home. It was pitch black. He sat in the dark like a creep.

Nikita went to her assigned hotel room. Before unlocking her door and going inside, she heard an erratic heartbeat inside her room. She readied herself and opened the door.

The room immediately lit up at her arrival and she was surprised to find Danny in the middle of the room, face stoic and emotionless.

"So you have a son?" He started the conversation. Nikita's eyes widened, curious as to how he found that information.

"I don't know what you mean." Daniel would have believed her if he hadn't seen the man, looking the same age as him, run up to her and addressing her as his mother.

Daniel stayed quiet and his face remained unmoving. "Just tell me, Nikita."

Nikita almost flinched at the cold tone he used. She knew she would've had to tell them eventually. She just wished it would be later rather than sooner.

"Well, everyone should be here if I'm going to reveal my whole life story."

The rest of the team, woken up by Daniel, and one disheveled Jack who had coincidentally just woken up from his sleep.

"Alright, this is going to be very hard to believe and you might even think me insane, but just bear with me for a second."

"Just get on with it." She was urged on by Daniel, who seemed very irritated at the moment.

"I'm a vampire."

a/n: i was going to finish the next chapter cause this was only like a filler but then i was rewatching the mexican gp, i fell asleep at like 6.30, it is now 11 pm, im utterly confused and i have a colossal headache

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