vi. generous offerings

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Surprised gasps occupied the air, each witness to the performance feared for the Frenchman's life.

"What the fuck?" Cursed Merritt.

"Whoa, Etienne?" Exclaimed Daniel.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like that, was it?" Merritt continued. "I liked that little French guy." The crowd, although worried for the discussed man, still laughed at the little comment given.

Etienne's face popped up on the screens of the venue. "Wait, there he is." Daniel pointed to one of the screens in front of him. The audience cheered. "No, no, no, please, please, please." The crowd quietened.

"This is Daniel Atlas, can you hear me? Etienne? Are you alright?"

"Yes." His answer came.

"Splendid, what do you see in there?" Nikita interjected, stealing Daniel's spotlight.

"Money." The man in the vault answered with a smirk and a hint of greed in his voice. He seemed as if he had just reached the shores of Neverland. "Is this real?" He wondered.

"Yes. Looks like three million or so euros' worth." It was three million euros. They counted it themselves. Well, not technically themselves meaning they used that money counter machine. Nikita still didn't understand how they worked.

"Okay, now here's what we're gonna need you to do." Daniel instructed, gaining back the spotlight that Nikita stole earlier. "I want you to take the card that you signed out of your pocket." Etienne obliged willingly with an excited grin on his face like he was a child unwrapping his birthday presents.

"And I want you to take the ticket stub from tonight's show and I want you to put it right there in the middle of the money."

"Now, drop it." Nikita continued for him with a crooked grin as she glanced at Daniel who rolled his eyes at her interruption. Oh, how she loved to annoy  him.

"Now on the side of your helmet, you should feel a button." Etienne felt at his helmet before finally discovering said button. "Don't press it just yet. Now that button activates an air duct that connects Paris to Las Vegas." A few moments passed before Daniel continued. "Okay, good. Now you can press it."

"Alright, now, Etienne, hold on tight. You might feel a bit of a vacuum." Jack warned with a slight smirk on his face and looked to see Nikita wearing an exact same smirk as she and Merritt chuckled.

Suddenly, the bills started to spin up, resembling a tornado. It was as if it was pulled by a string to the air duct.

Etienne whooped and laughed as he was attacked by a whirlwind of euros, a large smile plastered on his face.

"Oh, wait a second." The sound of rumbles filled the space.

The crowd roared as three million euros worth rained down on them, everyone launching off their seats trying to grab as much as they possibly could.

"Thank you, Etienne. Thank you, everyone!" Daniel thanked.

"We are the five horsemen and good night!" the team bid their farewells as they bowed for their extraordinary performance.

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