ii. strange opportunities

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Looking out the window of her taxi, Nikita finally reached her destination. It was currently 4:25 PM. Since she was a bit earlier than expected, she decided to go for a quick bite to replenish her strength. After feeling satisfied with her meal, she finally entered the building. While going up the stairs, she overheard two people bickering out of three, guessing from the amount of heartbeats she could hear.

"He used to saw me in half." A woman said.

"She was a very good assistant." Complimented a man in a condescending tone.

"But I was too fat for Danny." Argued the woman.

"No, I said that one time because of the trap door."

"No one could fit through there. No one!"

"Rebecca fit through. Rebecca fit for years."

"Do you know how hard it is to stay in those tiny, little costumes?"

"Uh, no. I'm the main attraction."

Rude, thought Nikita. And narcissistic. The man reminded Nikita very much of a certain dog that likes to dagger his siblings and put them in confined spaces.

Making her appearance known, "So, he never made you feel special." Nikita concluded, startling the other three.

Ignoring their startled looks, she introduced herself.

"Hi, Nikita Mikaelson. Lovely weather this fine afternoon. Pleased to meet you. " She said as she took out her gloved hand for them to shake.

"Daniel Atlas."

"Henley Reeves."

"Merritt McKinney and let me just say, you are delightful."

She stared at the man blankly.

"Okay." the man, now known as Merritt, muttered.

Suddenly, an attractive man with a leather jacket exclaimed, "No way. J. Daniel Atlas? Dude, I have seen everything that you have ever done. You're like... I idolise you. Seriously."

"From a true fan. It's so nice to meet you."

"I'm Jack, by the way."

He's cute, Nikita thought to herself.

"Question. Did you get one of these?" Merritt interrupted, holding up his tarot card.

"Yeah. Oh, yeah. Death." Jack replied.

This time, Henley replied, "The High Priestess."

"I'm the lover," Said Daniel.

"Three minutes," Henley chided in between a fake cough.

"Hermit." Merritt spoke.

Now, it was Nikita's turn to announce her's, "The Tower."

"So what are we... Are we waiting for someone? Why are we just..."

"The door's locked," Both Daniel and Henley answered Jack.

"Oh no, nothing, nothing's ever locked." With that, Jack then proceeded to move to the door and pick the lock.

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