xiii. strenuous foraging

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"Nikita has a son?" Jack inquired, his forehead creasing, hurt showing in his eyes.

"Yes, okay, but look, that's beside the point-"

"And you knew?" Jack cut off Daniel's explanation. He didn't know why it hurt so much, it just did.

"Alright, come on Jack, we should just focus on finding her." Henley said, trying to keep the peace.

"Y'all still haven't answered my question." A male voice spoke beside them. "Who the hell are you people?" The voice spoke with authority.

"Right, okay, my name's Merritt, this  is Danny, this beautiful little lady over here is Henley and the one that looks every other typical New Yorker is Jack." Merritt went to shake his hand but was brutally rejected and ignored by the man.

"What am i supposed to do with this information?"

Daniel finally stepped in, "Look Marcellus-"

"How do you know my name." Marcellus was suspicious of them. Only selected people knew of his full name, others just called him 'Marcel'.

"We're friends of your mother's."

The frown on Marcel's face disappeared and was replaced with a welcoming smile, a smile that showed his pearly white teeth. Although, that smile was anything but warm. "Well, you should've lead with that. C'mon, let's discuss things upstairs."

Marcel started walking towards the stairs. The horsemen stood there, not hiding their surprised face at his sudden change in attitude. They moved to follow him once they saw the look on of Marcel's guys'.

The man lead them to the room Marcel was in where he sat comfortably on a sofa with his hands on either side of it. It made him look like a king on a throne.

"So, what can I do for you, fellas?"

Daniel spoke, ever the leader, "We wanted to talk to you about your mother. She seems to have... disappeared."

A serious look took over his face."Ah yeah, she's just currently... letting out some steam, de-stressing herself, y'know?"

"By killing people?"

Silence surrounded the room. The crew, excluding Daniel, all looked like their eyes were about to pop out of their head. They knew Nikita was a vampire, but they never actually thought about the requirements that came with being a vampire until now.

"What?" Marcel's tone was cold. His eyes were glaring at the people sitting in front of him.

"Oh don't play dumb. We know. She told us already."

"Who told you what already?" A new voice surprised everyone, including Marcel. The presence of these 2 new people certainly left them standing from their seats.

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