Prologue: "Kawakami City"

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During Daichi's preparation to leave his home city for Kawakami Academy, he packed his stuff and things in briefcases and boxes to move out. Due to the long distance gap between Kawakami City and Shizuoka City, Daichi is moving out from his home city to live in an apartment in Kawakami. And of course, he said his goodbyes to his parents and went to Kawakami. 

Thus, the independent life of the boy has began. Daichi gets off the train he is riding to the Kawakami City Station, an almost empty station with a few people walking around here and there.

 "Ah, Kawakami City. I heard this is the place where the strongest person in the world lives." Daichi said these words with a small amount of excitement and some fear in his heart.

Kawakami is a well known city in Japan for being the city of strong, and maybe even the world. In Kawakami, the crime rates are lower compared to the other cities and prefectures. Though there are still thugs lurking around the city, none of them dares to pick on the strong. 

 However, when Daichi arrives at the Kawakami train station, he sees a huge line of people getting off their trains and going to the bus stops. He waits for a bus in the bus stop. After a while, a bus has arrived, and opened its door for the passengers. The people around Daichi enters the bus, as he entered the last. 

For his destination, he is going to his new apartment house. All of his furniture are being transported by a truck to his apartment in advance, and expects the furniture to be there already. As soon as his bus arrived at the next bus stop, he stepped out of the bus and walked his way to his new apartment. 

That apartment will serve the purpose of an acting dorm house for his new boarding school life, as he will be studying in Kawakami Academy for 2 years. Once he arrived there, he glances at the apartment, and his room is at the 3rd floor. He went up to the third floor and approached the door with a label "Room 3-2" written on it.

He used his key card to unlock the door and stepped inside. The room is small, with a Japanese traditional design. He looks around and see a futon on the floor, a chair and table adjacent to the wall, a wardrobe at the wall, his TV from his home, a kitchen, a bathroom, and all the furniture from his home that was moved here. Everything is already set in their designated places. 

So all he needs to do now is to unpack his things.Daichi is all alone in his apartment. He sits at his newly set table, and unpacks his second briefcase. The first briefcase contained his uniforms, some accessories, and a letter from Kawakami Academy, which contained its rules, regulations, and regulations. Daichi read through all of them, and memorized them. He knows he doesn't need to write down these things, but he likes to know that he didn't forget anything. 

From the letter, he also noticed that he is assigned to the class, 2-B. The school's division of years and their classes are based on letter grades, such as S, A, B, C, D, E, and F, hence there are a total of 7 sections in each year levels, with S being the highest, and F being the lowest. He put it in his wallet, and in case he lost it, it is a duplicate one, with the original being left at the front desk. 

His second and final briefcase contains some important school essentials. One of it is his school registration form, which he filled out already, his book supplies, papers, and Student ID card, other stuff. 

 "Tomorrow is gonna be my first day in my new school. I heard students are allowed to have part time jobs there, which is nice. I could earn some money to pay the rent for this apartment. Or, I could just let my parents handle that part?", Daichi told himself, as he continues: "Eh... I'm not gonna risk pressuring my parents with more work. I have to work just as hard as they do too!"

He gets up from the table, and got on his newly set up futon bed. He then decided to take a sleep and do everything else tomorrow.

"Well, before all that, I'll have to sleep to regain my energy...", he said as he closed his tired eyes. Tomorrow is going to be another day, and it's going to be my first day in second year high school. Daichi thought.

And with that, he then fell asleep as fast as the speed of sound. 

| End of Prologue |


Hello to those who are reading this. This is the author speaking, I hope you all enjoyed the prologue of my first ever story. I noticed that Majikoi is lacking the attention it needs, and there are only a few Majikoi fan fiction stories all throughout this and other fan fiction websites, so I figured that I should spread the name and give Majikoi some recognition. Although this would be a crossover with Dragon Ball characters and my OCs,  I decided to minimize the scenarios where the DB characters appear and focus more on the Majikoi characters and my OCs. To inform you about my OCs, they would be Daichi, George, and Shoji. You'll learn about them in the future parts of this story. Just a heads up, the upcoming parts subsequent to this will be classified as Chapters. Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing your opinions on this story!

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