Chapter 8: "The Melancholy of Momoyo"

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(July 22, 2009; Wednesday) 

It's Wednesday, and it's the third day of the summer program. Each day of the summer only has a total duration of 5 hours, and the second day of the program had ended with Daichi learning about English and Technology in Gale's and Gates' classes, having an hour of lunch, and some summer activities for 2 hours. After the day, Daichi meets his two friends outside the school gate. They planned to go on another group hang out, so they went to a restaurant in Kawakami City.

On their way to the restaurant, they stumbled upon the two Kawakami sisters, Momoyo and Kazuko, who appears to be wearing their martial arts gi. As the 5 of them meet each other, Momoyo swung her fist at Daichi with no heads up as  a greeting. Daichi saw the speeding fist approaching and avoided it by smoothly weaving to his right. She swung another, but was then blocked by Daichi with his right hand.

"Heh. So it's true then. That time you threw me away was not really fluke. It was a glimpse of true power.", says Momoyo with a smirk, looking impressed by Daichi's actions.

"Oooh..! Daichi is really that strong, he can actually stop Nee-sama's punches!", Kazuko, who seemingly looks more impressed than her non-biological older sister, said.

"This again? Momoyo, like I said, no matter what you'd do, I'm not going to fight you ever.", Daichi responds.

"And why is that? You know it would be a waste if you don't even use that strength of yours in a battle.", Momoyo asked him curiously.

"It is because he does not want to become well-known among the others. He prefers to live a normal life since childhood, up until this very day. Daichi-san is strong, yes, but he does not use that strength just for his amusement. He'd rather use that strength with a purpose, like saving someone from danger. That is the story he had told us.", George interjects the conversation.

"Huh? Maaan, that's so lame. I was hoping for having a good fight with someone, and I figured it's Daichi, but it turns out he is just like Mayu-Mayu Ugh... Why am I always alone in my league...", Momoyo replied, completely disappointed from the result.     

"Mayu-Mayu? Oh, you mean Yukie, the girl who always bring a sword with her in school? I've heard about her, and she's a part of the Big Four. The weakest one, right? If you're telling me that she is just like me, then that must mean she doesn't fight at all, unless if it's necessary.", Daichi said.

"Obviously.", Momoyo deadpanned in response.

"But can't you just ask the other two to fight you? They are famous after all, just like you, considering you are the strongest among the four.", Daichi tells her while scratching the back of his head.

"Ehh... They aren't really much of a challenge anymore. Ageha is strong, she used to be my rival, but not anymore. Tsubame still has a long way to go. And as for Mayucchi, like I told you earlier, he doesn't like to fight.", Momoyo explains. 

"And because of that, you don't have anyone to fight with, huh?", Shoji tells her.

"Nee-sama's only happiness is having a rival of her own in terms of power, and she had Ageha-san before, but unfortunately for Nee-sama, she has become too strong, Ageha-san went down from being the strongest of the four to being the second strongest. And that is why I'm here; to support and become Nee-sama's next rival. Though, I would be also be glad if Nee-sama found another rival instead of me.", Kazuko interjects.

That got George, Shoji, and even Daichi thinking. The Goddess of War is just too powerful for the others, and the ones who could potentially match her refuse to fight for their own sake. Because of that, Momoyo is the only one in the world with her own uniqueness; and by uniqueness, meant her constant thirst for battle. And Daichi is the only person in the world to match her prowess as of now, but refuses to give what she desires, thus she remain in the state and boredom and melancholy.

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