Chapter 4: "Group Hang Out"

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(Time skip, 5 hours. In Kawakami Academy.)

It was lunch time for the second years. Daichi and his foreigner friend from his class, George, are eating in the cafeteria, along with a new friend from Class 2-C Daichi just bought to their little friend group. 

"So, Shoji, how are the games I've given you yesterday?", Daichi told the new person he referred to as Shoji in their group. 

 "Amazing, actually... Bad Piggies. Just what I.. wanted. Hey, may I ask? How did you know my preference in games?", Shoji replied. 

"I figured you will like it. I hear you constantly talk about engineering around the school.", Daichi responds. And better maintain your grades in science and math, otherwise your dreaming of becoming an engineer. Daichi thought. 

"So you've been stalking me the whole time?!", Shoji misunderstood what he has heard, as he panicked from Daichi's response.

"No no no, not like that! I mean, you always wander around the school every time when a school day ends, and you kept mumbling about engineering, that's it.", Daichi replies, and at the same time, maintaining his cool.

"Eh..? So you weren't stalking me then?", Shoji, who was no longer in panic, responds in a calmer manner.

"Not at all. By the way, you should just pay more attention to your surroundings. There are people out there who would reveal your secrets to everyone if they ever hear you mumbling about your secrets.", Daichi told him.

"Um... Okay, I- I'll keep that in my mind.", Shoji responds in his usual soft tone.

"I see, Daichi-san has gained the trust of a new acquaintance. Thus, earning him a new friend. If it's a friend of Daichi, then I shall welcome them.", George soon interjected, as he continues: "I am George Harrelson, and I am from the prestigious land of England. Pleased to meet you, Shoji-san."

"O-Oh, um.. Hey, there. I'm Ishii Shoji, and I plan to be an engineer in the future.", Shoji responds.

Hm? Oh dear, a timid one. Daichi-san, we mustn't allow any harmful circumstances to get to this precious little thing. George thought, as if he was speaking directly to Daichi.

"Alright, now that we're done with introductions, let's eat.", Daichi said. They decided to eat the school's food. It comes with unlimited refills, so it would be very inconvenient to eat in a restaurant. They ate for a few minutes in silence. Later, Shoji broke the silence between the three.

"So... Do you guys like school?", says Shoji. 

"Hm... Well, I suppose. Only if my friends are here. You guys are here, so... Maybe. I like places where I could meet with my friends.", Daichi responded. 

"For me, it's rather dull.. Not because of you gentlemen, my friends, but because of the school's lack of fun activities for each section. In a scenario, one class goes to a school trip, but the others would stay here. And sure, there are the upcoming festivals and possibly even battles, which happens randomly when students get into a heated conversation, eventually becoming a battle. But I'm not sure... There are no other sources of fun here, other than you guys.", George responded. 

"Hm... Oh, I know! In order to fix that, maybe we should hang out more often around here? And after school days, we should hang out in our own place.", Shoji said enthusiastically. "Good idea! But! Where should we hang out after school?", Daichi asked their new friend.

 "I was thinking of a particular park located in the city center.", Shoji answered. 

"Perfect. I'll come find you after school.", Daichi said, as George gave him a nod. After lunch, the three went to their second year classes, and the rest goes by until dismissal. At 3:30 PM, 30 minutes after the school's dismissal, Daichi, George, and Shoji went to the part they discussed where to hang out earlier during lunch time. 

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