Chapter 3: "Meeting Yamato"

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Daichi rose from his futon. It was morning; the sun rays passing through the window, and the roosters crowing nearby his apartment. As he got up, he looked over at his clock and saw the time is 6:20 AM, Friday.

"Gkh! And here I thought I'll have a good morning, but reality just had to remind me of this sh*t...", Daichi muttered while scratching his eyes from irritation.

Daichi yawned as he looked out his window. He stretched his arms, before preparing his food and shower afterwards. Daichi then puts his shoes on and proceeds to leave his apartment building. 

"I wonder if anything interesting will happen today...", Daichi said, looking forward to the events that will turn out to be today. 


Kawakami Academy is a Japanese private high school in Kawakami City that allow students to have part time jobs. That way, students can continue their education, and at the same time make money to help support themselves. 

"Kawakami Academy is a one heck of a school... I have a feeling that something chaotic might happen soon, considering its one of the famous schools worldwide. Famous and popular things are usually the ones targeted by those with twisted minds, but I signed up for this, so I'll have to get used to this.", Daichi mumbled to himself while heading towards the school. Wait, who was I talking to? He thought to himself this time. 

As Daichi was walking, he immediately bumped into a familiar girl. The girl quickly apologized, and immediately went to Daichi's same destination. "Wait... Wasn't that the timid first year girl from Momoyo's group?", Daichi wondered. 

As he was thinking about the girl, he realized that he couldn't remember her name, so he disregarded the thought and continued heading towards the school. The morning was uneventful. Daichi went to his first class, and that one wasn't too bad. 

He ended up chatting with another transfer student yesterday, who was from the UK, apparently. They soon became close friends. His third class ended earlier than his first and second ones, so his class had lunch time early. 

 Later at the cafeteria, Daichi once again met up with his foreign friend, George. The two of them couldn't speak to each other in their classroom for they wish to listen to their teachers instead of talking to each other. The two of them saw that they were the only ones in their class who weren't talking to anyone. 

After lunch, they decided that they would head to the library to do some homework. George and Daichi then headed to the library. They got to the library, and immediately sat on the table with the books they picked from the bookshelves. 

"So, what are we reading again?", Daichi asked. 

"Oh, it's a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson called Treasure Island. I really like it.", George answered. 

"A novel, huh? Well I suppose that would be fine. I'm new to this, so I'm not expecting anything.", Daichi replied, as George started to turn the pages of the book. 

"I really can not wait to read this again, especially with you. This is an adventure novel, so it should catch your interest.", George expressed. 

"Ah, adventure? Now we're talkin'.", Daichi eagerly replied. 

George continued to read. Soon, the bell rang. "Welp, time to head back to class. I'll finish reading this soon.", Daichi said. 

"Indeed.", George responded fancily. The fanciness of a rich brit? Bruh. 


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