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"It's crazy how much time has stolen. It has stolen the days with the flowers dancing among the breeze and the nights where the stars finally come out after their game of hide and seek. Time has stolen the happiest moments but let the melancholy rot inside your mind. How could time take away 7 years? I walked into the the band room in 6th grade (for some, they started earlier and for others who started later) not knowing this was a future that I will dedicate music to for the rest of my life. I walked in the first day not knowing who I was or who I was going to be in a school I never stepped foot in. I felt lost but music became a direction that pointed down a road I will never regret. Then somehow night turned into day and 9th grade was here. 8 to 5 steps were the first steps I learned when I came into high school. Those steps taught me to be confident and look ahead. And every year I was the one on the sidelines with the band that waved goodbye to those that had been here for 7 years. But this year is different. My last year has arrived and I don't want the band to leave me behind. I'm afraid I will be forgotten along with the old broken instruments. I want to stay here and live inside my home while talking with the family I made here but I know that isn't an option. The band will wave at me from the sidelines and march down a road they have marched down before while I walk down an uneven path, tripping and stumbling over rocks. But I will march with 8 to 5 steps down this road because 8 to 5 steps has taught me to be confident and look ahead and the world no longer seems terrifying."

- The Silent Saxophone player

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