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Marching Band Rules

If you are out of step you must act like a wounded flamingo trying to get back in step.

Your mom might still do your laundry, but she isn't going to memorize your dots for you. Please do this yourself... preferably before the end of the season.

There are three guarantees in life- death, taxes, and having your instrument hit by a flag or rifle toss.

If you listen forward to the pit you will have to load the pit equipment all by yourself at the end of rehearsal.

Never get your plumes wet. Also, never expose them to bright light or feed them after midnight. (Gremlin Movie Reference)

Showing up to a competition with your horn looking like an artifact dug up from an ancient Chinese burial ground does not qualify as 'polished'.

When running back to your sets, the bottom bass drummer has the right of way. If you walk back, he will be given permission to pummel you.

Wearing flip flops to rehearsal is like showing up to a race in the Daytona 500 on a unicycle. You're not going to be able to keep up and you will get very badly hurt.

Do not complain that the sun is in your eyes. We practice on the same field at the same time every week. You know this already.

The only thing that will excuse you from being late to rehearsal is if Gustavo Dudamel is in the car with you.

Yes, we will have water breaks. There is no reason to remind me every five minutes about it. (Actually, you might have to remind me every five minutes.)

Do not talk during rehearsal. Just to be safe, also don't talk 30 minutes before or after rehearsal, either.

You've had at least 45 hours since the last rehearsal, but you waited until we were five minutes into this one to ask for valve oil. Brilliant.

When a mouthpiece flies out of a brass instrument and hits the pavement, everyone must lose focus and groan. Everyone!

Please have your music memorized. Nothing adds more effect to a show than having a 14-year-old fumbling around with his music while jazz running at a 4 to 5 step size.

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