🌸Accidental crash🌸

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Little: Takahiro Hanamaki
Caregiver: Issei Matsukawa
Little age: 1-2 years
TW: Yelling, blood


It wasn't unusual for Makki to be so clumsy, but sometimes his clumsiness ends up with an upset Caregiver.

When Makki was regressed his clumsiness was a lot worse than what it would be normally. He didn't mean to break anything but he can't help it.

<time skip>

One morning Makki was awake a lot more earlier than his caregiver. And that was extremely rare. Makki left the bed and slowly made his way downstairs on his bottom. He loved going down the stairs like that.

On the last step, Makki got up and grabbed something he didn't mean to grab. He didn't notice he grabbed it until he heard a smash on the wooden floor.

Matsukawa was now awake due to the loud sound and ran down the stairs quickly. Once he saw the scene he was not very happy with the outcome.

"TAKAHIRO GOD DAMN HANAMAKI!" Matsun yelled loudly. Makki looked up the the older and it was clear that the pair was just as upset as each other.

The thing Makki broke? It was a glass rose that his Mother gave to him before she went over sea's to live with her sister. It was the only thing he had left of his mother.


At this point Makki was incredibly close to bursting out crying. But he couldn't. Not only had a glass shard gotten into his hand, but he also felt extremely guilty that he broke Matsun's favourite thing.

The little quickly crawled over to the crime scene and tried to pic up all the small glass pieces with little mumbles of "I'm sorry" and "I'll fix it!"

Due to him trying to help he cut his hand more but didn't have the heart to tell Matsun after already making him angry.

The little put all the glass shards into a plastic tub and walked out of the house without his shoes. He knew where he was going to go, and that said person was not going to be happy with Matsun.


Makki arrived at the destination and slowly placed the tub on the doorstep and knocked on the door three times before he picked it back up again.

He stood there waiting patiently for the door to open. He was about to walk away when he heard,


Hiro turned around quickly and instantly started to cry once more.

"Hewp! Peas!" He said frantically. The panic was audible with the little and the other instantly understood.

"What happened love? Tell uncle Iwa what happened."

"I-I- I brokened Papa's fing and he gowts mad a me an' yelled!" Makki started. He held out the tub And Iwaizumi hesitantly took a hold of it.

"What is it?" Iwaizumi asked slowly.

"I nu no! Papa jus up'et!" The little replied in a frantic. He handed the clear tub to Iwaizumi and he placed it on the counter next to the door.

Iwaizumi went up to the boy and hugged him tightly as if someone would try to take him away. He picked him up and slowly carried him into his room where you could find a sleeping Oikawa curled up on his bed.

Iwaizumi layed the little down next to Oikawa and quickly Makki snuggled up into the sleeping a man's chest.

Oikawa opened his eyes slightly and noticed a certain pinked haired male cuddled up to him really close. He wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his back in a circle motion trying to calm his nephew down a little bit.

With Iwaizumi he walked out of his bedroom and instantly went to get his phone to call Matsukawa.

He went back to the tub and picked it up and opened it. He noticed little blotches of a red fluid on some shards. He picked one up and quickly noticed that it was blood.

Makki never said anything about an injury...

Iwaizumi placed the tub back down and immediately called Matsun.

"Hello?" Matsun said down the phone

"You got mad at Makki?" Iwaizumi questioned almost as soon as the other answered.

"Well of course I did! He knew how important that Vase was to me and he broke it like and idiot!" Matsun replied sounding more angrier than before.

"He is little, Issei and you know how sensitive he is. He obviously didn't mean to break it!" Iwaizumi yelled down the phone trying he hardest not to sound to mad.

"Also.... I advise you check the ground where it all happened, I'm thinking he might of cut himself a little bit." Iwaizumi stated calmly.

"HE INJURED HIMSELF!? good grief when does this child ever tell anyone he hurt himself!" Matsun replied clearly pacing up and down the stairs.

"I advise you come round to my house and talk it all out, he seems shaken up by you shouting at him." Iwaizumi quickly mumbled as he took out the pieces of the case trying to fix it.

"Will do"


As Iwaizumi stuck down the final piece of the vase a knock was heard at the front door. He quickly realised that it was Matsun and almost immediately opened the door and dragged him inside his house.

"Upstairs, my room. Go." Matsun nodded and rushed off to find his little.

He quickly found Iwaizumi's room and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in Matsun we know it's you." Said a faint voice from inside the room. Matsun slowly opened the door to see a sleeping Makki on Oikawa's shoulder.

"I don't know what happened but he seemed to have a pretty deep cut on left hand, I cleaned it for you. You better talk with him when he's big!" Oikawa whisper-yelled at the older.

Issei quickly nodded his head and gently took the sleeping baby from Oikawa and carried him down the stairs with a slight bounce.

"I'm so sorry baby... I didn't mean to shout." Matsun said as he gently kissed his littles cheek over and over. The little snuggled into his care givers shoulder and a mumbled, "wuv oo papa..."


I kinda got carried away with this one. I just love writing for SeiHiro I love the ship lmao. I hope you have a good day or night, I'll catch ya in the next chapter

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